Oh my god thank you so much you're so Christly and we are all in awe of your super super duper big penis.
You saved us, you can go now. No need to worry any longer about Q. There big foot, flat earth, alien abduction etc communities thriving all over the net that you are ignoring for some reason.
And since you've made it your solemn purpose to save all of us confused brainwashed conspiracy peons you cant neglect them right?
Oh what's that? You ONLY care about us? Strange, what makes Q any different? Unless you're afraid.
Oh my god thank you so much you're so Christy and we are all in awe of your super super duper big penis.
You saved us, you can go now. No need to worry any longer about Q. There big foot, flat earth, alien abduction etc communities thriving all over the net that you are ignoring for some reason.
And since you've made it your solemn purpose to save all of us confused brainwashed conspiracy peons you cant neglect them right?
Oh what's that? You ONLY care about us? Strange, what makes Q any different? Unless you're afraid.