Jesuits are discussed 13 times in the playlist I sent you.
The Jesuit boogeyman is a Freemasonic psyop.
Playlist I've recommended multiple times:
Adam Weishupt was a Jesuit, no? Thing is, he pushed Enlightenment philosophy which flies 100% contrary to the Jesuit's theology. These people are pretending to be Jesuits while pushing Illuminati NWO garbage. The Jesuits are an anti-Communist order -
How many times do I have to mention the infiltration -
Just because someone calls themselves a Catholic or Jesuit does not mean they aren't using it as a cloak. The Freemasons are on record saying they will do this to destroy the church. Hello? Anyone home?
Dr. Bella Dodd, the famous one-time Communist lawyer who reverted to the Catholic Faith of her youth, has been the subject of much discussion over the past few decades. She is said to have planted 1,100 to 1,200 men into the Catholic seminary system. These men would then rise up the clerical ranks and work to destroy the Catholic Church from within. A talk given by Dodd in 1961 has recently surfaced that sheds some light on this subject of infiltration and the Catholic Church.
I HIGHLY recommend watching that playlist. All history taught in schools is from a Freemasonic perspective, even in the Catholic schools because they have been compromised with the NWO agenda since the 60's.
And again, read the Alta Vendita. It's the Freemasons own words on infiltrating and destroying the Catholic church.
I've actually tried to show you this but you don't want to hear it. Fine, enjoy being a Freemasonic golem. This is why they call you cattle. Good luck out there.
Here's the first seven and you can do "control + F" to search for the word Jesuit and your computer will highlight 13 different videos whose titles include "Jesuit"
- - 1.5 Occult Catholic History - Jesuit Masonry & Popish Plots 🇪
- - 2.3 Occult Catholic History - "Jesuit-Trained" Conspiracy Theories
- - 2.4 Occult Catholic History - Suppression of the Jesuits 🇪
- - 7.2 Occult Catholic Society - Jesuit Education in the Old World 🇪
- - 9.0 Occult Catholic Jesuits - Hunting of the Romish Fox 🇪
6. - 9.1 Occult Catholic Jesuits - Extreme Jesuit Oaths of Induction 🇪
- - 9.2 Occult Catholic Jesuits - Abraham Lincoln & Jesuit Assassins 🇪
Jesuits are discussed 13 times in the playlist I sent you.
The Jesuit boogeyman is a Freemasonic psyop.
Adam Weishupt was a Jesuit, no? Thing is, he pushed Enlightenment philosophy which flies 100% contrary to the Jesuit's theology. These people are pretending to be Jesuits while pushing Illuminati NWO garbage. The Jesuits began as an anti-Communist order.
I HIGHLY recommend watching that playlist. All history taught in schools is from a Freemasonic perspective, even in the Catholic schools because they have been compromised with the NWO agenda since the 60's.
And again, read the Alta Vendita. It's the Freemasons own words on infiltrating and destroying the Catholic church.
I've actually tried to show you this but you don't want to hear it. Fine, enjoy being a Freemasonic golem. This is why they call you cattle. Good luck out there.
Here's the first seven and you can do "control + F" to search for the word Jesuit and your computer will highlight 13 different videos whose titles include "Jesuit"
- - 1.5 Occult Catholic History - Jesuit Masonry & Popish Plots 🇪
- - 2.3 Occult Catholic History - "Jesuit-Trained" Conspiracy Theories
- - 2.4 Occult Catholic History - Suppression of the Jesuits 🇪
- - 7.2 Occult Catholic Society - Jesuit Education in the Old World 🇪
- - 9.0 Occult Catholic Jesuits - Hunting of the Romish Fox 🇪
6. - 9.1 Occult Catholic Jesuits - Extreme Jesuit Oaths of Induction 🇪
- - 9.2 Occult Catholic Jesuits - Abraham Lincoln & Jesuit Assassins 🇪
Jesuits are discussed 13 times in the playlist I sent you.
The Jesuit boogeyman is a Freemasonic psyop.
Adam Weishupt was a Jesuit, no? Thing is, he pushed Enlightenment philosophy which flies 100% contrary to the Jesuit's theology. These people are pretending to be Jesuits while pushing Illuminati NWO garbage. The Jesuits began as an anti-Communist order.
I HIGHLY recommend watching that playlist. All history taught in schools is from a Freemasonic perspective, even in the Catholic schools because they have been compromised with the NWO agenda since the 60's.
And again, read the Alta Vendita. It's the Freemasons own words on infiltrating and destroying the Catholic church.
I've actually tried to show you this but you don't want to hear it. Fine, enjoy being a Freemasonic golem. This is why they call you cattle. Good luck out there.