Having people admit their crimes themselves and crimes of others will speed the process up bigly. Investigations take a very long time, would you rather give a deal and get all the info now with that person willing to testify or spend 6 years investigating? A deal also doesn't have to be a get out of jail free card. Maybe a deal gives the death penalty to the main perp in the family and let's their spouse and kids keep their house and live their lives instead of death penalty for both parents. Deals can come in many shapes and sizes.
Having people admit their crimes themselves and crimes of others will speed the process up bigly. Investigations take a very long time, would you rather give a deal and get all the info now with that person willing to testify or spend 6 years investigating? A deal also doesn't have to be a get out of jail free card. Maybe a deal just let's their spouses and kids keep their house and live their lives instead of death penalty for both parents. Deals can come in many shapes and sizes.