One should look at the whole story. The following might help. There are many, many more articles on the deleterious effect of lock-downs. It's far worse than the phase 1 (the virus) and 2 bio-weapons ('vaxx'). Actually, only phase 1 was to occur with phase 3 (lockdowns). Years later, phase 2 would be allowed only through mandatory injections to end phase 1 and 3.
"Study: COVID-19 Lockdowns 10 Times Deadlier Than Pandemic!
"So 130 Million People Could Starve Because of the Lockdowns"
"Doctors Worldwide Are Recording More Deaths Due to Lockdowns Than to COVID-19"
One should look at the whole story. The following might help. There many, many more articles on the deleterious effect of lock-downs.
"Study: COVID-19 Lockdowns 10 Times Deadlier Than Pandemic!
"So 130 Million People Could Starve Because of the Lockdowns"
"Doctors Worldwide Are Recording More Deaths Due to Lockdowns Than to COVID-19"