My research shows the Jews are the most exiled people in human history, having been exiled more then 1,300 times over the past 3,200 years, because they earned that reputation for being caught red-handed attempting to kill every nation they infested from within, like a cancer.
I suspect this is because the Jewish Talmudic culture is a master-race theology that teaches them we are their disposable chattel and they own everyone and everything.
I will follow the research wherever it leads and treat everyone with equality, even the Jews and even if they scream and cry about it.
If you want to lie about the Jew's COVID holocaust hoax or Jewish hate crime hoaxes or what happened in Germany 1930-1947 then that is your God-given right, but I want no part in it.
If Jews don't like the anti-Christ reputation they earned than that's their problem.
It's not my problem.
My research shows the Jews are the most exiled people in human history, having been exiled more then 1,300 times over the past 3,200 years, because they earned that reputation for being caught red-handed attempting to kill every nation they infested from within, like a cancer.
I suspect this is because the Jewish Talmudic culture is a master-race theology that teaches them we are their disposable chattel and they own everyone and everything.
I will follow the research wherever it leads and treat everyone with equality, even the Jews and even if they scream and cry about it.
If Jews don't like the anti-Christ reputation they earned than that's their problem.
It's not my problem.