One thing he didn't touch on, with regards to Devolution is SCYTL's role. Devolution being the reason why Army Intel saw in real time what was happening with SCYTL's servers and subsequently why they were raided. Which also adds another dimension to the phrase, "We have it all."
I think Trump knew, thru ADM Rogers and Lt Gen Flynn, what happened during the 2012 election and what was happening during the 2016 campaign season, and once he got into office, he started making plans for the '18 & '20 elections using Devolution as the required method of Intel acquisition and action post elections.
If you remember, he gave warning after warning heading into the '18 midterms, only to see [them] become more brazen because of [their] fear. He painted [them] into a corner which only forced [their] hands even further into the red. Once it became apparent [they] weren't going to back down, final preparations were made re: 2020 elections, and he took a step back to maintain "plausible deniability," knowing that Kash Patel, ECW, Miller, and the rest of the hand picked team would carry out the Devolution Plan to a "T."
He's calling the shots, it would seem, thru proper prior planning, thus preventing piss poor performance, aka a "future proves past" reconciliation. He could only maintain this thru Devolution. It still requires balls of titanium, but not as risky as leaving everything up to chance like he wants [them] to believe.
One thing he didn't touch on, with regards to Devolution is SCYTL's role. D volution being the reason why Army Intel saw in real time what was happening with SCYTL's servers and why they were raised. Which also adds another dimension to the phrase, "We have it all."
I think Trump knew, thru ADM Rogers and Lt Gen Flynn, what happened during the 2012 election and what was happening during the 2016 campaign season, and once he got into office, he started making plans for the '18 & '20 elections using Devolution as the required method of Intel acquisition and action post elections.