Hey, Fauci inspected a lot of gay bathhouse cock as part of double blind, empirical studies in the 80's. The dude worked hard for us and although what may have been just one step for man actually turned out a giant buttfuck for mankind, it was conducted with love in his heart........I have lost my train of thought. Edit:- For the really retarded that need it spelt out - I am bagging Fauci above, this is tongue in cheek humor, aspy fuckwits.
Hey, Fauci inspected a lot of gay bathhouse cock as part of double blind, empirical studies in the 80's. The dude worked hard for us and although what may have been just one step for man actually turned out a giant buttfuck for mankind, it was conducted with love in his heart........I have lost my train of thought. Edit:- For the really retarded that need it spelt out - I am bagging Fauci above, this is tonge in cheek humor, aspy fuckwits.
Hey, Fauci inspected a lot of gay bathhouse cock as part of double blind, empirical studies in the 80's. The dude worked hard for us and although what may have been just one step for man actually turned out a giant buttfuck for mankind, it was conducted with love in his heart........I have lost my train of thought.