How many times does one must tell a child not to touch a hot stove burner before they do it anyway. I think it's not even close to being"this bad". People need their comfort blankets yanked out from underneath. The day that hair dryer doesnt turn on because power is off, netflix wont load because their beloved wifi is gone, how many miles must I stand in to get a loaf of bread because I rely on others and society to feed me and my family, and any various combination of creature comforts so many are addicted to and "entitled" to, gone and removed from daily life. Thats the day maybe a rude awakening will begin. Maybe some will then wonder. How did I let this happen. Why didnt i see this coming. How do I make sure this cant happen again. Freedom isnt free.
How many times does one must tell a child not to touch a hot stove burner before they do it anyway. I think it's not even close to being"this bad". People need their comfort blankets yanked out from underneath. They day thst hair dryer doesnt turn on because power is off, netflix wont load because their beloved wifi is gone and any various conbination of creature comforts so many are addicted to and "entitled". Thats they day a rude awakening will begin. Maybe some will then wonder. How did I let this happen. Why didnt i see this coming. How do I make sure this cant happen again. Freedom isnt free.