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Read here as suggested below:
In the index go to the entry listing for 06/17/1954, just read the second paragraph in the description.
Then select and read the entries for the Norman Dodd testimony on:
and then read the rest as much as possible.
Here are all the dots, connected, that anyone could possibly need to understand what is happening today. We have good people in the House and Senate who know their own history... know what they are up against... know who they are up against... and know what is being done "in the shadows"... and it predates "China" by a long, long time.
Watch this:
Read here as suggested below:
In the index go to the entry listing for 06/17/1954, just read the second paragraph in the description.
Then select and read the entries for the Norman Dodd testimony on:
and then read the rest as you much as possible.
Here are all the dots, connected, that anyone could possibly need to understand what is happening today. We have good people in the House and Senate who know their own history... know what they are up against... know who they are up against... and know what is being done "in the shadows"... and it predates "China" by a long, long time.