You might be correct. I was playing checkers but you are playing chess.
The thing is, I remember that Bundy family ranching incident, the time when hundreds of their friends showed up with guns and that actually worked out pretty good as the Feds backed off.
My plan was to have 1000 people show up with guns and not allow anyone to go into or come out of the prison. So if you’re a guard or a warden you’re not leaving until people are allowed inside to inspect the cells of the prisoners.
My plan was NOT to try and bust them out at that moment.
You might be correct. I was playing checkers but you sure are playing chess.
The thing is remember that Bundy family ranching incident the time when hundreds of their friends showed up with guns, that actually worked out pretty good.
My plan was to have 1000 people show up with guns and not allow anyone to come or go into the prison