Ok,cheering sport team is one thing,but If they don't like being American why they stay and study in America ?
Maybe they shall move for example to China, Venezuela or Cuba ?
By the way - I would comment those slogan:
Olympics kill the poor
No. Corrupted governments having too much power over people do.
Who decided for example Brazil would have those olympics ? Lula. Wasn't he socialist like those "students" ? Removing people from Brazilian Slums were also under Temer being from "centrist" MDB.
Ok,cheering sport team is one thing,but If they don't like being American why they stay and study in America ?
Maybe they shall move for example to China, Venezuela or Cuba ?
By the way - I would comment those slogan:
Olympics kill the poor
No. Corrupted governments having too much power over people do.
Who decided for example Brazil would have those olympics ? Lula. Wasn't he **socialist **? Removing people from Brazilian Slums were under Temer being from "centrist" MDB.
Ok,cheering sport team is one thing,but If they don't like being American why they stay and study in America ?
Maybe they shall move for example to China, Venezuela or Cuba ?
By the way - I would comment those slogan:
Olympics kill the poor
No. Corrupted governments having too much power over people do.
Who decided for example Brazil would have those olympics ? Lula. Wasn't he **socialist **? Removing people from Brazilian Slums were under Temer being from "centrist" MDB. Both were corrupted thieves by the way.
Ok,cheering sport team is one thing,but If they don't like being American why they stay and study in America ?
Maybe they shall move for example to China, Venezuela or Cuba ?
By the way - I would comment those slogan:
Olympics kill the poor
No. Corrupted governments having too much power over people do.
Who decided for example Brazil would have those olympics ? Lula. Wasn't he **socialist **? Removing people from Brazilian Slums were under Temer being from "centrist" MDB.
Ok,cheering sport team is one thing,but If they don't like being American why they stay and study in America ?
Maybe they shall move for example to China, Venezuela or Cuba ?
By the way - I would comment those slogan:
Olympics kill the poor
No. Corrupted governments having too much power over people do.
Who decided for example Brazil would have those olympics ? Lula. Wasn't he socialist ? Removing people from Brazilian Slums were under Temer being from "centrist" MDB.
Ok,cheering sport team is one thing,but If they don't like being American why they stay and study in America ?
Maybe they shall move for example to China, Venezuela or Cuba ?
By the way - I would comment those slogan:
Olympics kill the poor
No. Corrupted governments having too much power over people do.
Who decided for example Brazil would have those olympics ? Lula. Wasn't he socialist ? Removing people from Brazilian Slums were done under Temer being from "centrist" MDB.
Ok,cheering sport team is one thing,but If they don't like being American why they stay and study in America ?
Maybe they shall move for example to China, Venezuela or Cuba ?
By the way - I would comment those slogan:
Olympics kill the poor
No. Corrupted governments having too much power over people do.
Who decided for example Brazil would have those olympics ? Lula. Wasn't he socialist ? Removing people from Brazilian Slums were under Temer being from "centrist" MDB.
Ok,cheering sport team is one thing,but If they don't like being American why they stay and study in America ?
Maybe they shall move for example to China, Venezuela or Cuba ?
By the way - I would comment those slogan:
Olympics kill the poor
No. Corrupted governments having too much power over people do.
Who decided for example Brazil would have those olympics ? Lula. Wasn't he socialist ? Removing people from Brazilian Slums were under Temer being from "centrist" MDB.
Ok,cheering sport team is one thing,but If they don't like being American why they stay and study in America ?