Do most people you encounter not believe the holocaust happened, so you project your baseless bias onto me... even though I never made such a claim?
How would you feel if I behaved like you do and just assumed you were a seditious, treasonous, Satanic, pedophile cannibal with no fact to substantiate such claims?
Nobody is disputing that Hitler turned Jews into lampshades.
You have been blocked.
Do most people you encounter not believe the holocaust happened, so you project your baseless bias onto me... even though I never made such a claim?
How would you feel if I behaved like you do and just assumed you were a seditious, treasonous, Satanic, pedophile cannibal with no fact to substantiate such claims?
You have been blocked.
Do most people you encounter not believe the holocaust happened, so you project your baseless bias onto me... even though I never made such a claim?
How would you feel if I behaved like you do and just assumed you were a seditious, treasonous, Satanic, pedophile cannibal with no fact to substantiate such claims?