This is why none of this ends until The People rise up as one and begin protesting en masse. In the tens of millions. Once the military sees numbers like that, they will comply with The People and remove the tyrannical leadership. If they don't see that, then they will do what the leadership wants.
It's simply survival of the fittest, folks. The wolf pack will follow the Alpha, even if the Alpha is a tyrant, as long as the wolfpack doesn't communally feel threatened by the Alpha and it's enforcers. But, once the tyrannical Alpha is turned on by the pack at large, the Alpha's enforcers will turn on that Alpha, as well.
We, The People, are the pack in this instance. The current elected officials are the tyrannical Alpha, and the military/police are the Alpha tyrant's enforcers. The military/police make up part of our pack, just like the wolf pack's enforcers are part of the wolf pack, but the enforcers are still just part of the pack. They are outnumbered, too. Once the rest of the pack turns on the tyrannical Alpha, the enforcers will turn on that Alpha, too, and do what the pack wants, out of shear will to survive and avoid being mauled and/or killed alongside the tyrant by the at large pack. Every communal animal heirarchy works in this way. Gorillas, chimpanzees, lions, hyenas, elephants, dolphins, etc ALL work like this. Humans are no different. Remember, the pack at large ALWAYS outnumbers the Alpha and it's enforcers by magnitudes of order.
Once the military and police are shown that they only have power as long as The People allow it, they will stand down and then turn on the tyrants and remove them from power. This is the only way to a peaceful resolution. The People MUST SHOW the tyrants and [their] enforcers that [their] bullshit ends now and ends for good. But it MUST be done in numbers that completely overwhelm any response the tyrants can muster from [their] enforcers. That's the only way to keep the enforcers from doing what [they] decree. In our case, because of the high grade weapons technology we have, it must be in the tens of millions, if not hundreds of millions of people worldwide. Lesser numbers will not suffice.
Until then, may God have mercy on our souls. This will all just continue to get worse.
This is why none of this ends until The People rise up as one and begin protesting en masse. In the tens of millions. Once the military sees numbers like that, they will comply with The People and remove the tyrannical leadership. If they don't see that, then they will do what the leadership wants.
It's simply survival of the fittest, folks. The wolf pack will follow the Alpha, even if the Alpha is a tyrant, as long as the wolfpack doesn't communally feel threatened by the Alpha and it's enforcers. But, once the tyrannical Alpha is turned on by the pack at large, the Aloha's enforcers will turn on that Alpha, as well.
We, The People, are the pack in this instance. The current elected officials are the tyrannical Alpha, and the military/police are the Alpha tyrant's enforcers. The military/police make up part of our pack, just like the wolf pack's enforcers are part of wolf pack, but the enforcers are still just part of the pack. Once the rest of the pack turns on the tyrannical Alpha, the enforcers will turn on that Alpha, too, and do what the pack wants, out of shear will to survive and avoid being mauled and killed with the tyrant by the at large pack. Every communal animal heirarchy works in this way. Gorillas, chimpanzees, lions, hyenas, elephants, dolphins, etc ALL work like this. Humans are no different. Remember, the pack at large ALWAYS outnumbers the Alpha and it's enforcers by magnitudes of order.
Once the military and police are shown that they only have power as long as The People allow it, they will stand down and then turn on the tyrant's and remove them from power. This is the only way to a peaceful resolution. The People MUST SHOW the tyrants and [their] enforcers that [their] bullshit eends now and ends for good. But it MUST be done in numbers that completely overwhelm any response the tyrants can muster from [their] enforcers.
Until then, may God have mercy on our souls. This will all just continue to get worse.
This is why none of this ends until The People rise up as one and begin protesting en masse. In the tens of millions. Once the military sees numbers like that, they will comply with The People and remove the tyrannical leadership. If they don't see that, then they will do what the leadership wants.
It's simply survival of the fittest, folks. The wolf pack will follow the Alpha, even if the Alpha is a tyrant. But only until the tyrannical Alpha is turned on by the pack.
We, The People, are both the Alpha and the pack, in this instance. The military/police make up part of the pack, but are still just part of the pack. Albeit, the enforcers of out pack. Just like the Alpha wolf's enforcers in an actual wolf pack. But once the rest of the pack turns on the tyrannical Alpha, the enforcers will turn on that Alpha, too, and do what the pack wants, out of shear will to survive and avoid being mauled and killed with the tyrant by the at large pack. Every communal animal heirarchy works in this way. Gorillas, chimpanzees, lions, hyenas, elephants, dolphins, etc ALL work like this. Humans are no different.
Once the military is shown that they only have power as long as The People allow it, they will stand down. This is the only way to a peaceful resolution. The People MUST SHOW the tyrant's and [their] enforcers that [their] bullshit to nds for good. Until then, may God have mercy on our souls.