Somebody look up the "regional center for Border health inc" its located in Yuma.
I watched them unload illegals at a 200 dollar a night lake Havasu. Families with plastic grocery bags for luggage.
Some people are making lots.of money moving these people in. It was all Hispanics driving the vehicles.
Somebody look up the "regional center for Border health inc"
I watched them unload illegals at a 200 dollar a night lake Havasu. Families with plastic grocery bags for luggage.
Some people are making lots.of money moving these people in. It was all Hispanics driving the vehicles.
Somebody look up the "FOundation for border Health".
I watched them unload illegals at a 200 dollar a night lake Havasu. Families with plastic grocery bags for luggage.
Some people are making lots.of money moving these people in. It was all Hispanics driving the vehicles.