This information complements of @TheConservationist
Duck update: May be easier if you just see his comment in this link, then you can click the icons he provides to see screen shot.
Okay, so some quick tips which come to mind.
What you call "labels" are probably what we call "flairs". When you create a thread, after posting it, you'll see a flair button under it ... chose one, save. Sometimes it doesn't save, in which case, try again ... could take 30-60s for it to show up.
Avatars are assigned by the mods. You can ask for one. They've recently cut down on the number of avatars available, for space reasons ... but, asking for one that already exists in the system will probably be do-able. The mods occassionally assign avatars to users who haven't asked for them (this was the case for me).
Quotation marks is done with this button, see red circled spot. This will put out a great than sign (>), anything you write after that (without going to a new line with 'enter') will be in quotations
There is also a way to use code-blocks, not sure what it is.
To link things, you can highlight the word you want to put a link on, and press this (see the green circle). Alternatively, you can do it manually with a square brackets around the word, next to parenthesis surounding the weblink.
Sharing files in the comment section, or, when uploading a video that's not on YouTube or whatever, works well (size limit of 200 MB per file). Alternatively, GoFile works alright, but, is a bit more tedious to use. So, upload the file to either of those, then, share the link it pops out when the upload is done.You can clip videos before sharing as well, which is a bit more time consuming. First download it, then, use a program like Ubuntu's HandBrake (see here).
Archive articles, especially from MSM sources. Plug th link into,, or one of the other mirrors of that servive. Wait for it to archive (once it starts and is past the queue, it'll keep going whether you close to tab or not), then, share said link that pops out. Remove tracking links from the weblink before plugging into, such as " ?fbclip=bashfktewrrkwektejt234324 "
You can report potential shills/trolls to the mods by pressing 'deport' on one of their comments, and, chosing the relevant option. Alternatively, you can message all of the mods with "message the moderators" on the side bar to the right.
If there is a site glitch, like something isn't loading properly, you can also "message the moderators". Make sure this glitch is effecting many ppl though, not sure you, possibly by creating a thread to ask others about the issue. Respect the mod's time basically.
The available GIFs are here. I have never tried to use these myself, so, not sure how to, maybe someone else can fill in the details here.
Try to verify the information you are about to post, especially if it is a thread post, prior to sharing it ... if it is an article, read it or skim it to such as a degree that you're fairly confident that it isn't just some click bait or fake news. If you are unsure still, maybe make note of that when posting
The "search" function doesn't work that well, and, if whatever you are searching for is old enough (with the key words chosen) that it doesn't show up on the first page, when you go to the second page, it doesn't work that well ... it'll show you the second page for the entire .win network with that keyword (so, posts from Patriots, OmegaCanada, Great Awakening, etc.), which is the opposite of what you were going for, given it would take a long time to search through this. There's three ways around this, the first, is try multiple key words for what the title might have been, or, search through the user's profile of who posted it (if you know who did)
One of the ways to search for particular thread posts is to save every thread post that you might find useful later, using PDF print, to a folder on your computer. I do this daily. Takes quite a bit of time, given that I find 1/4-1/3 of the threads of possible interest to save. The folder eventually become disorganized too. BUT ... once you have them, you can search the folder on your computer, and find what you're looking for more easily
To look up your own thread posts, go to your profile page, and see the circled button here. Press "posts". This won't show up if you are on half-screen mode or on mobile device, in which case, you would need the weblink to your posts, which for mine is this
if you want to quickly search your own comments or thread posts for a particular thing, or, someone else's, go to the page, such as here, press control + f, search for the keyword you remember being used, if it wasn't on that page (so, was an older page), go to the bottom of the page, press next page, press control + f, search the keyword, if not there, this is where you can start speeding it up ... my second page is here, and the weblink ends with 'page=2', so, for the third page, rather than scrolling all the way down and pressing next page, you can just change the '2' to a '3' in the weblink, press enter, control +f, search keyword, if not there, then '3' to '4' in the weblink, and so forth ... you get the idea
editting comments can be glitchy ... sometimes it doesn't register, and if it does, it could take 30-60s to register ... if it didn't save the edit of your comment or post, you just gotta try again ... I've had to repeat like 5-8 times before to make 1 edit stick.
if you mess up your thread title, say, with poor gramar, you are hooped ... only option is to delete the thread and re-post it with a correction to the title ... but, I wouldn't do that unless you catch the mistake right away ... in part b/c deleting the thread will lose the comments, and, the upvotes ... upvotes don't matter, except, some ppl use them to track thread they want to return to, so, you could be messing with their organization system ... some ppl might have also 'saved' your post, so, that would be lost too ... hence, best not to delete the thread after a bunch of ppl have interacted with it
This information complements of @TheConservationist
Okay, so some quick tips which come to mind.
What you call "labels" are probably what we call "flairs". When you create a thread, after posting it, you'll see a flair button under it ... chose one, save. Sometimes it doesn't save, in which case, try again ... could take 30-60s for it to show up.
Avatars are assigned by the mods. You can ask for one. They've recently cut down on the number of avatars available, for space reasons ... but, asking for one that already exists in the system will probably be do-able. The mods occassionally assign avatars to users who haven't asked for them (this was the case for me).
Quotation marks is done with this button, see red circled spot. This will put out a great than sign (>), anything you write after that (without going to a new line with 'enter') will be in quotations
There is also a way to use code-blocks, not sure what it is.
To link things, you can highlight the word you want to put a link on, and press this (see the green circle). Alternatively, you can do it manually with a square brackets around the word, next to parenthesis surounding the weblink.
Sharing files in the comment section, or, when uploading a video that's not on YouTube or whatever, works well (size limit of 200 MB per file). Alternatively, GoFile works alright, but, is a bit more tedious to use. So, upload the file to either of those, then, share the link it pops out when the upload is done.You can clip videos before sharing as well, which is a bit more time consuming. First download it, then, use a program like Ubuntu's HandBrake (see here).
Archive articles, especially from MSM sources. Plug th link into,, or one of the other mirrors of that servive. Wait for it to archive (once it starts and is past the queue, it'll keep going whether you close to tab or not), then, share said link that pops out. Remove tracking links from the weblink before plugging into, such as " ?fbclip=bashfktewrrkwektejt234324 "
You can report potential shills/trolls to the mods by pressing 'deport' on one of their comments, and, chosing the relevant option. Alternatively, you can message all of the mods with "message the moderators" on the side bar to the right.
If there is a site glitch, like something isn't loading properly, you can also "message the moderators". Make sure this glitch is effecting many ppl though, not sure you, possibly by creating a thread to ask others about the issue. Respect the mod's time basically.
The available GIFs are here. I have never tried to use these myself, so, not sure how to, maybe someone else can fill in the details here.
Try to verify the information you are about to post, especially if it is a thread post, prior to sharing it ... if it is an article, read it or skim it to such as a degree that you're fairly confident that it isn't just some click bait or fake news. If you are unsure still, maybe make note of that when posting
The "search" function doesn't work that well, and, if whatever you are searching for is old enough (with the key words chosen) that it doesn't show up on the first page, when you go to the second page, it doesn't work that well ... it'll show you the second page for the entire .win network with that keyword (so, posts from Patriots, OmegaCanada, Great Awakening, etc.), which is the opposite of what you were going for, given it would take a long time to search through this. There's three ways around this, the first, is try multiple key words for what the title might have been, or, search through the user's profile of who posted it (if you know who did)
One of the ways to search for particular thread posts is to save every thread post that you might find useful later, using PDF print, to a folder on your computer. I do this daily. Takes quite a bit of time, given that I find 1/4-1/3 of the threads of possible interest to save. The folder eventually become disorganized too. BUT ... once you have them, you can search the folder on your computer, and find what you're looking for more easily
To look up your own thread posts, go to your profile page, and see the circled button here. Press "posts". This won't show up if you are on half-screen mode or on mobile device, in which case, you would need the weblink to your posts, which for mine is this
if you want to quickly search your own comments or thread posts for a particular thing, or, someone else's, go to the page, such as here, press control + f, search for the keyword you remember being used, if it wasn't on that page (so, was an older page), go to the bottom of the page, press next page, press control + f, search the keyword, if not there, this is where you can start speeding it up ... my second page is here, and the weblink ends with 'page=2', so, for the third page, rather than scrolling all the way down and pressing next page, you can just change the '2' to a '3' in the weblink, press enter, control +f, search keyword, if not there, then '3' to '4' in the weblink, and so forth ... you get the idea
editting comments can be glitchy ... sometimes it doesn't register, and if it does, it could take 30-60s to register ... if it didn't save the edit of your comment or post, you just gotta try again ... I've had to repeat like 5-8 times before to make 1 edit stick.
if you mess up your thread title, say, with poor gramar, you are hooped ... only option is to delete the thread and re-post it with a correction to the title ... but, I wouldn't do that unless you catch the mistake right away ... in part b/c deleting the thread will lose the comments, and, the upvotes ... upvotes don't matter, except, some ppl use them to track thread they want to return to, so, you could be messing with their organization system ... some ppl might have also 'saved' your post, so, that would be lost too ... hence, best not to delete the thread after a bunch of ppl have interacted with it