Not the most difficult, but President Trump knew many of his followers would turn on him when he launched dozens of Tomahawk missiles at Syria because of another McNoName false flag chemical attack.
What many people still don't realize is what a genius move that was: President Trump bombed an empty shed on a military airfield, caused no casualties and the airfield was operational again within 12 hours...
...and in doing so, President Trump prevented Congress from declaring war on Syria and prevented the UN from crippling Syria with sanctions.
President Trump used 39 Tomahawk missiles to prevent a war, protect our military, save billions in needless military spending, saved thousands of innocent Syrians and saved the Syrian economy... and he broke the news to the Chinese President while they were dining together a Mar-a-Lago.
I admit it took me a few days to understand what had happened. I remember Alex Jones stabbing President Trump in the back and Stefan Molyneux cried like a woman on his podcast as he threw President Trump under the bus. Doomers and shills had a party on T_D and I've always felt that deeply sorry that President Trump achieved a perfect outcome and was attacked by everyone for it.
Not the most difficult, but President Trump knew many of his followers would turn on him when he launched dozens of Tomahawk missiles at Syria because of another McNoName false flag chemical attack.
What many people still don't realize is what a genius move that was: President Trump bombed an empty shed on a military airfield, caused no casualties and the airfield was operational again within 12 hours...
...and in doing so, President Trump prevented Congress from declaring war on Syria and prevented the UN from crippling Syria with sanctions.
President Trump used 39 Tomahawk missiles to prevent a war, protect our military, save billions in needless military spending, saved thousands of innocent Syrians and saved the Syrian economy... and he did it all while having dinner with the Chinese President.