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Reason: None provided.

29 December 2016
35 Russians declared Persona Non Grata
Given 2 days to leave the country
2 Diplomatic facilities closed
For what, exactly?

Interfering in the 2016 election?

2 August 2021 ZeroHedge:

Russia has announced Monday that two dozen of its diplomats in the United States will essentially be booted from the country after their visas expire during the first week of September.

"Russia's ambassador to the United States said Washington had asked 24 Russian diplomats to leave the country by Sept. 3 after their visas expired,

"Anatoly Antonov did not say whether the US request was prompted by any particular dispute, and there was no immediate comment from Washington."

Moscow has cited stringent visa procedures which will likely bar the diplomats from being able to renew them. "Almost all of them will leave without replacements because Washington has abruptly tightened visa issuing procedures," Ambassador Antonov said on Sunday.

"Only in the hottest years this happens... and this year it grows hot!" (timestamp)

Natalie Winters on War Room, 8/9/2021, read from the January 2018 Final Report of the Congressional Task Force On Election Security.

The timeline leading up to the report is important to understanding both the report and the context in which the report was generated. However, the suspension of disbelief is required in one area.

"What if China, Russia, and others are coordinating w/ POTUS to eliminate the NWO?"

Timeline relevant to the Task Force On Election Security. As you read the (Democrat composed) timeline, remember what was happening in terms of Steele Dossier, Comey, Mueller Investigation, Impeachment investigation hearings... etc. etc. etc..

15 June 2017 Hoyer (D) / Brady (D) statement importance of Election Assistance Commission in light of information on Russian hacking. In January 2017 Chairman Harper (R) had introduced a bill seeking to terminate the agency.

29 June 2017 Leader Pelosi (D) announces Congressional Task Force on Election Security, Chaired by Brady (D) and Thompson (D) and members Lofgren (D), Lengevin (D), Richmond (D), Demmings (D). ( time stamp /3 seconds)

1 August 2017 Congressional Task Force on Election Security sends letter to the National Association of Secretaries of State seeking information from state chief election officials about what resources they need in order to secure their elections.

28 September 2017 Congressional Task Force on Election Security holds it first forum, "Securing America's Elections: Understanding the Threat.

24 October 2017 Congressional Task Force on Election Security holds its second forum: Securing America's Elections:Preparing for 2018 and Beyond. / Just watch the first 15 seconds, you'll get the drift.

20 November 2017 Congressional Task Force on Election Security sends letter to the House Appropriations requesting $400 million to help states secure their voting infrastructure.

(Wonder which states got the money?) ( time stamp /3 seconds)

15 December 2017 Ranking members Brady (D) and Thompson (D) issue statement applauding the National Association of Secretaries of State's call for congress to appropriate the remaining $396 million in outstanding HAVA funds. (watch as much as you can)

19 December 2017 Ranking member Brady reads a letter from House Democrats from 18 of the 21 states whose elections were targeted by Russian hackers in 2016 asking Speaker Ryan to call for an all-Member briefng from DHS and FBI, direct the relevant Congressional committees to investigate Russia's attack's and see bipartisian solutions to secure our elections. (you'll know : )

23 January 2018 Congressional Task Force on Election Security wrote a letter to DHS Secretary Nielsen seeking clarification of DHS election security responsibilites after the demise of the sham Presidential Commission on Election Integrity.

14 February 2018 Congressional Task Force on Election Security releases its final report. (3 min / 17 sec)

The Committee on House Administration's Subcommittee on Elections Election Security Timeline (Full) (don't bother)

29 June 2017 when Pelosi announces the Congressional Task Force on Election Security and then "in mind bending, intergalactic, whiplash fashion" the Democrats solve America's election security issues in 7 months, notwithstanding weekends, holidays, recesses, etc., or all the other drama that was going on.

The report? If you consider that the Deep State knew that their hack had been hacked and there was every indication that they would be unable to reconstitute the capability they would need to migrate to their other means of stealing elections in the short term. The Deep State knew it had lost the internet high ground and needed to mitigate the effectiveness of the hackers who had hacked them by reforming how the nation voted and preserving as much as possible their ability to fix the vote. After all, they had been schooled by the mob on how to skim the old fashion way. What was good enough then would be good enough for 2020 until they could come up with something better. Every avenue to steal 2020, in the end, including the internet hacking was rolled out. Only trouble was, they were looking at the wrong high ground. For whatever reason they had come to the conclusion that they could over come whatever Russia and China could muster, but they were not counting on the Space Force. Let Ricky Jay explain it better that I can:

Ricky Jay / The History Lesson (timestamp / 7 minutes)

Report recommendations:

Federal funds should be provided to help states replace aging, vulnerable voting machines with paper ballots.
States should conduct risk-limiting post-election audits.
Federal funds should be provided to help states upgrade and maintain IT infrastructure including voter registration data bases. Election technology vendors must secure their voting systems.
The Federal Government should develop a national strategy to counter efforts to undermine democratic institutions.
The Intelligence Community should conduct pre-election threat assessments well in advance of federal elections.
DHS should maintain the designation of election infrastructure as a critical infrastructure subsector.
Empower federal agencies to be effective partners in pushing out nationwide security reforms.
Establish clear and effective channels for sharing threat and intelligence information with election officials.
States should prioritize cybersecurity training.

It really is all just a smokescreen to allocate money that can be funneled to the right people to ensure what ever changes made are exploitable... and get the taxpayer to pay for it.

29 December 2016
35 Russians declared Persona Non Grata
Given 2 days to leave the country
2 Diplomatic facilities closed

And the timing of the announcement was not random. Remember, Flynn was in the Caribbean on vacation... so when Kislyak tries to call him, Flynn is out of the country, can't hop in his car and go over to the Russian embassy to confer, has to call Kislyak (message to Flynn was relayed to him). They had to have the phone call intercept, that they could not disclose "sources and methods" excuse, but they could make up any interpretation of the call and get narrative smear and set up the wrap up smear. Was Flynn's firing Kabuki or real - don't know, but I am suspending disbelief enough to think once Flynn was caught in the trap that the best thing to do was let that whole charade play out - work it back and create bigger distraction than the Deep State anticipated and tie down their resources. Turning the Flynn sting back on them, capturing the momentum of their attack and redirecting it. Something very zen about that.

Can't wait for the movie to come out.

So we had....

Russia Russia Russia to make it impossible for Trump and Putin to work together openly?

China virus to make it impossible for Trump and Xi to work together?

From the zerohedge article linked above:

Meanwhile, Russian ambassador Antonov urged that instead of more 'counter moves' in the diplomatic arena which will only further hurt and strain communications,

"As an option, we can debate on cyber threats to arms control systems, etc," he offered.

If I were editing this sentence I would change "offered" to "Quipped".

Hypothesis: China and Russia and others "interfered" in the 2016 election by disrupting the hack. Then, pretending to prepare to do it again... China and Russia and others did nothing, let the election get hacked because Space Force had spent from 2017 through 2 November 2020 preparing to intercept the hack and document all the other fraud in the 2020 election. (And if you have read my comment history you know how far back I've been looking.)

One other variant is that, what was supposed to be vote hacking contracted for out of Russia and China were phony... the Clinton / Obama machine paid for hacking that was just never going to happen. I like that narrative timeline a lot!

After the Deep State (dems / repubs / military industrial complex / big pharma / federal level politicians / state level politicians / county and city level politicians / msm / big tech / or let's just call them, the whole bunch of them Raymond J. Johnson Jr. and be done with it... (37 seconds)

You ask why would China and Russia and others help America?

Because they have the same problems with "people in the shadows" (Donald Trump quote / see link below) that America has. (time stamped / watch 73 seconds)

So they are helping America to help their own national interests. Now who have I heard make the point that every country worth its salt would always keep its own national interest at the forefront of its foreign policy?

3 years ago
3 score
Reason: None provided.

29 December 2016
35 Russians declared Persona Non Grata
Given 2 days to leave the country
2 Diplomatic facilities closed
For what, exactly?

Interfering in the 2016 election?

2 August 2021 ZeroHedge:

Russia has announced Monday that two dozen of its diplomats in the United States will essentially be booted from the country after their visas expire during the first week of September.

"Russia's ambassador to the United States said Washington had asked 24 Russian diplomats to leave the country by Sept. 3 after their visas expired,

"Anatoly Antonov did not say whether the US request was prompted by any particular dispute, and there was no immediate comment from Washington."

Moscow has cited stringent visa procedures which will likely bar the diplomats from being able to renew them. "Almost all of them will leave without replacements because Washington has abruptly tightened visa issuing procedures," Ambassador Antonov said on Sunday.

"Only in the hottest years this happens... and this year it grows hot!" (timestamp)

Natalie Winters on War Room, 8/9/2021, read from the January 2018 Final Report of the Congressional Task Force On Election Security.

The timeline leading up to the report is important to understanding both the report and the context in which the report was generated. However, the suspension of disbelief is required in one area.

"What if China, Russia, and others are coordinating w/ POTUS to eliminate the NWO?"

Timeline relevant to the Task Force On Election Security. As you read the (Democrat composed) timeline, remember what was happening in terms of Steele Dossier, Comey, Mueller Investigation, Impeachment investigation hearings... etc. etc. etc..

15 June 2017 Hoyer (D) / Brady (D) statement importance of Election Assistance Commission in light of information on Russian hacking. In January 2017 Chairman Harper (R) had introduced a bill seeking to terminate the agency.

29 June 2017 Leader Pelosi (D) announces Congressional Task Force on Election Security, Chaired by Brady (D) and Thompson (D) and members Lofgren (D), Lengevin (D), Richmond (D), Demmings (D). ( time stamp /3 seconds)

1 August 2017 Congressional Task Force on Election Security sends letter to the National Association of Secretaries of State seeking information from state chief election officials about what resources they need in order to secure their elections.

28 September 2017 Congressional Task Force on Election Security holds it first forum, "Securing America's Elections: Understanding the Threat.

24 October 2017 Congressional Task Force on Election Security holds its second forum: Securing America's Elections:Preparing for 2018 and Beyond. / Just watch the first 15 seconds, you'll get the drift.

20 November 2017 Congressional Task Force on Election Security sends letter to the House Appropriations requesting $400 million to help states secure their voting infrastructure.

(Wonder which states got the money?) ( time stamp /3 seconds)

15 December 2017 Ranking members Brady (D) and Thompson (D) issue statement applauding the National Association of Secretaries of State's call for congress to appropriate the remaining $396 million in outstanding HAVA funds. (watch as much as you can)

19 December 2017 Ranking member Brady reads a letter from House Democrats from 18 of the 21 states whose elections were targeted by Russian hackers in 2016 asking Speaker Ryan to call for an all-Member briefng from DHS and FBI, direct the relevant Congressional committees to investigate Russia's attack's and see bipartisian solutions to secure our elections. (you'll know : )

23 January 2018 Congressional Task Force on Election Security wrote a letter to DHS Secretary Nielsen seeking clarification of DHS election security responsibilites after the demise of the sham Presidential Commission on Election Integrity.

14 February 2018 Congressional Task Force on Election Security releases its final report. (3 min / 17 sec)

The Committee on House Administration's Subcommittee on Elections Election Security Timeline (Full) (don't bother)

29 June 2017 when Pelosi announces the Congressional Task Force on Election Security and then "in mind bending, intergalactic, whiplash fashion" the Democrats solve America's election security issues in 7 months, notwithstanding weekends, holidays, recesses, etc., or all the other drama that was going on.

The report? If you consider that the Deep State knew that their hack had been hacked and there was every indication that they would be unable to reconstitute the capability they would need to migrate to their other means of stealing elections in the short term. The Deep State knew it had lost the internet high ground and needed to mitigate the effectiveness of the hackers who had hacked them by reforming how the nation voted and preserving as much as possible their ability to fix the vote. After all, they had been schooled by the mob on how to skim the old fashion way. What was good enough then would be good enough for 2020 until they could come up with something better. Every avenue to steal 2020, in the end, including the internet hacking was rolled out. Only trouble was, they were looking at the wrong high ground. For whatever reason they had come to the conclusion that they could over come whatever Russia and China could muster, but they were not counting on the Space Force. Let Ricky Jay explain it better that I can:

Ricky Jay / The History Lesson (timestamp / 7 minutes)

Report recommendations:

Federal funds should be provided to help states replace aging, vulnerable voting machines with paper ballots.
States should conduct risk-limiting post-election audits.
Federal funds should be provided to help states upgrade and maintain IT infrastructure including voter registration data bases. Election technology vendors must secure their voting systems.
The Federal Government should develop a national strategy to counter efforts to undermine democratic institutions.
The Intelligence Community should conduct pre-election threat assessments well in advance of federal elections.
DHS should maintain the designation of election infrastructure as a critical infrastructure subsector.
Empower federal agencies to be effective partners in pushing out nationwide security reforms.
Establish clear and effective channels for sharing threat and intelligence information with election officials.
States should prioritize cybersecurity training.

It really is all just a smokescreen to allocate money that can be funneled to the right people to ensure what ever changes made are exploitable... and get the taxpayer to pay for it.

29 December 2016
35 Russians declared Persona Non Grata
Given 2 days to leave the country
2 Diplomatic facilities closed

And the timing of the announcement was not random. Remember, Flynn was in the Caribbean on vacation... so when Kislyak tries to call him, Flynn is out of the country, can't hop in his car and go over to the Russian embassy to confer, has to call Kislyak (message to Flynn was relayed to him). They had to have the phone call intercept, that they could not disclose "sources and methods" excuse, but they could make up any interpretation of the call and get narrative smear and set up the wrap up smear. Was Flynn's firing Kabuki or real - don't know, but I am suspending disbelief enough to think once Flynn was caught in the trap that the best thing to do was let that whole charade play out - work it back and create bigger distraction than the Deep State anticipated and tie down their resources. Turning the Flynn sting back on them, capturing the momentum of their attack and redirecting it. Something very zen about that.

Can't wait for the movie to come out.

So we had....

Russia Russia Russia to make it impossible for Trump and Putin to work together openly?

China virus to make it impossible for Trump and Xi to work together?

From the zerohedge article linked above:

Meanwhile, Russian ambassador Antonov urged that instead of more 'counter moves' in the diplomatic arena which will only further hurt and strain communications,

"As an option, we can debate on cyber threats to arms control systems, etc," he offered.

If I were editing this sentence I would change "offered" to "Quipped".

Hypothesis: China and Russia and others "interfered" in the 2016 election by disrupting the hack. Then, pretending to prepare to do it again... China and Russia and others did nothing, let the election get hacked because Space Force had spent from 2017 through 2 November 2020 preparing to intercept the hack and document all the other fraud in the 2020 election. (And if you have read my comment history you know how far back I've been looking.)

One other variant is that, what was supposed to be vote hacking contracted for out of Russia and China were phony... the Clinton / Obama machine paid for hacking that was just never going to happen. I like that narrative timeline a lot!

After the Deep State (dems / repubs / military industrial complex / big pharma / federal level politicians / state level politicians / county and city level politicians / msm / big tech / or let's just call them, the whole bunch of them Raymond J. Johnson Jr. and be done with it... (37 seconds)

You ask why would China and Russia and others help America?

Because they have the same problems with "people in the shadows" (Donald Trump quote / see link below) that America has. (time stamped / watch 73 seconds)

So they are helping America to help their own national interests. Now who have I heard make the point that every country worth its salt would always keep its own national interest at the forefront of its foreign policy?


3 years ago
1 score
Reason: None provided.

29 December 2016
35 Russians declared Persona Non Grata
Given 2 days to leave the country
2 Diplomatic facilities closed
For what, exactly?

Interfering in the 2016 election?

2 August 2021 ZeroHedge:

Russia has announced Monday that two dozen of its diplomats in the United States will essentially be booted from the country after their visas expire during the first week of September.

"Russia's ambassador to the United States said Washington had asked 24 Russian diplomats to leave the country by Sept. 3 after their visas expired,

"Anatoly Antonov did not say whether the US request was prompted by any particular dispute, and there was no immediate comment from Washington."

Moscow has cited stringent visa procedures which will likely bar the diplomats from being able to renew them. "Almost all of them will leave without replacements because Washington has abruptly tightened visa issuing procedures," Ambassador Antonov said on Sunday.

"Only in the hottest years this happens... and this year it grows hot!" (timestamp)

Natalie Winters on War Room, 8/9/2021, read from the January 2018 Final Report of the Congressional Task Force On Election Security.

The timeline leading up to the report is important to understanding both the report and the context in which the report was generated. However, the suspension of disbelief is required in one area.

"What if China, Russia, and others are coordinating w/ POTUS to eliminate the NWO?"

Timeline relevant to the Task Force On Election Security. As you read the (Democrat composed) timeline, remember what was happening in terms of Steele Dossier, Comey, Mueller Investigation, Impeachment investigation hearings... etc. etc. etc..

15 June 2017 Hoyer (D) / Brady (D) statement importance of Election Assistance Commission in light of information on Russian hacking. In January 2017 Chairman Harper (R) had introduced a bill seeking to terminate the agency.

29 June 2017 Leader Pelosi (D) announces Congressional Task Force on Election Security, Chaired by Brady (D) and Thompson (D) and members Lofgren (D), Lengevin (D), Richmond (D), Demmings (D). ( time stamp /3 seconds)

1 August 2017 Congressional Task Force on Election Security sends letter to the National Association of Secretaries of State seeking information from state chief election officials about what resources they need in order to secure their elections.

28 September 2017 Congressional Task Force on Election Security holds it first forum, "Securing America's Elections: Understanding the Threat.

24 October 2017 Congressional Task Force on Election Security holds its second forum: Securing America's Elections:Preparing for 2018 and Beyond. / Just watch the first 15 seconds, you'll get the drift.

20 November 2017 Congressional Task Force on Election Security sends letter to the House Appropriations requesting $400 million to help states secure their voting infrastructure.

(Wonder which states got the money?) ( time stamp /3 seconds)

15 December 2017 Ranking members Brady (D) and Thompson (D) issue statement applauding the National Association of Secretaries of State's call for congress to appropriate the remaining $396 million in outstanding HAVA funds. (watch as much as you can)

19 December 2017 Ranking member Brady reads a letter from House Democrats from 18 of the 21 states whose elections were targeted by Russian hackers in 2016 asking Speaker Ryan to call for an all-Member briefng from DHS and FBI, direct the relevant Congressional committees to investigate Russia's attack's and see bipartisian solutions to secure our elections. (you'll know : )

23 January 2018 Congressional Task Force on Election Security wrote a letter to DHS Secretary Nielsen seeking clarification of DHS election security responsibilites after the demise of the sham Presidential Commission on Election Integrity.

14 February 2018 Congressional Task Force on Election Security releases its final report. (3 min / 17 sec)

The Committee on House Administration's Subcommittee on Elections Election Security Timeline (Full) (don't bother)

29 June 2017 when Pelosi announces the Congressional Task Force on Election Security and then "in mind bending, intergalactic, whiplash fashion" the Democrats solve America's election security issues in 7 months, notwithstanding weekends, holidays, recesses, etc., or all the other drama that was going on.

The report? If you consider that the Deep State knew that their hack had been hacked and there was every indication that they would be unable to reconstitute the capability they would need to migrate to their other means of stealing elections in the short term. The Deep State knew it had lost the internet high ground and needed to mitigate the effectiveness of the hackers who had hacked them by reforming how the nation voted and preserving as much as possible their ability to fix the vote. After all, they had been schooled by the mob on how to skim the old fashion way. What was good enough then would be good enough for 2020 until they could come up with something better. Every avenue to steal 2020, in the end, including the internet hacking was rolled out. Only trouble was, they were looking at the wrong high ground. For whatever reason they had come to the conclusion that they could over come whatever Russia and China could muster, but they were not counting on the Space Force. Let Ricky Jay explain it better that I can:

Ricky Jay / The History Lesson (timestamp / 7 minutes)

Report recommendations:

Federal funds should be provided to help states replace aging, vulnerable voting machines with paper ballots.
States should conduct risk-limiting post-election audits.
Federal funds should be provided to help states upgrade and maintain IT infrastructure including voter registration data bases. Election technology vendors must secure their voting systems.
The Federal Government should develop a national strategy to counter efforts to undermine democratic institutions.
The Intelligence Community should conduct pre-election threat assessments well in advance of federal elections.
DHS should maintain the designation of election infrastructure as a critical infrastructure subsector.
Empower federal agencies to be effective partners in pushing out nationwide security reforms.
Establish clear and effective channels for sharing threat and intelligence information with election officials.
States should prioritize cybersecurity training.

It really is all just a smokescreen to allocate money that can be funneled to the right people to ensure what ever changes made are exploitable... and get the taxpayer to pay for it.

29 December 2016
35 Russians declared Persona Non Grata
Given 2 days to leave the country
2 Diplomatic facilities closed

And the timing of the announcement was not random. Remember, Flynn was in the Caribbean on vacation... so when Kislyak tries to call him, Flynn is out of the country, can't hop in his car and go over to the Russian embassy to confer, has to call Kislyak (message to Flynn was relayed to him). The had to have the phone call intercept, that they could not disclose "sources and methods" excuse, but they could make up any interpretation of the call and get the smear and wrap up smear, Flynn fired (once it happened was Flynn's firing Kabuki or real - don't know, but I am suspending disbelief enough to think once Flynn was caught in the trap that the best thing to do was let that whole charade play out - work it back as a bigger distraction than the Deep State anticipated. Can't wait for the movie to come out.

So we had....

Russia Russia Russia to make it impossible for Trump and Putin to work together openly?

China virus to make it impossible for Trump and Xi to work together?

From the zerohedge article linked above:

Meanwhile, Russian ambassador Antonov urged that instead of more 'counter moves' in the diplomatic arena which will only further hurt and strain communications,

"As an option, we can debate on cyber threats to arms control systems, etc," he offered.

If I were editing this article I would change "offered" to "Quipped".

Hypothesis: China and Russia and others "interfered" in the 2016 election by disrupting the hack. Then, pretending to prepare to do it again... China and Russia and others did nothing, let the election get hacked because Space Force had spent from 2017 through 2 November 2020 preparing to intercept the hack and document all the other fraud in the 2020 election. (And if you have read my comment history you know how far back I've been looking.)

After the Deep State (dems / repubs / military industrial complex / big pharma / federal level politicians / state level politicians / county and city level politicians / msm / big tech / or let's just call them the whole bunch Raymond J. Johnson Jr. an be done with it... (37 seconds)

You ask why would China and Russia and others help America?

Because they have the same problems with "people in the shadows" (Donald Trump quote) that America has. So they are helping America to help their own national interests. Now who have I heard make the point that every country worth its salt would always keep its own national interest at the forefront of its foreign policy?


3 years ago
1 score
Reason: None provided.

29 December 2016
35 Russians declared Persona Non Grata
Given 2 days to leave the country
2 Diplomatic facilities closed
For what, exactly?

Interfering in the 2016 election?

2 August 2021 ZeroHedge:

Russia has announced Monday that two dozen of its diplomats in the United States will essentially be booted from the country after their visas expire during the first week of September.

"Russia's ambassador to the United States said Washington had asked 24 Russian diplomats to leave the country by Sept. 3 after their visas expired,

"Anatoly Antonov did not say whether the US request was prompted by any particular dispute, and there was no immediate comment from Washington."

Moscow has cited stringent visa procedures which will likely bar the diplomats from being able to renew them. "Almost all of them will leave without replacements because Washington has abruptly tightened visa issuing procedures," Ambassador Antonov said on Sunday.

"Only in the hottest years this happens... and this year it grows hot!" (timestamp)

Natalie Winters on War Room, 8/9/2021, read from the January 2018 Final Report of the Congressional Task Force On Election Security.

The timeline leading up to the report is important to understanding both the report and the context in which the report was generated. However, the suspension of disbelief is required in one area.

"What if China, Russia, and others are coordinating w/ POTUS to eliminate the NWO?"

Timeline relevant to the Task Force On Election Security. As you read the (Democrat composed) timeline, remember what was happening in terms of Steele Dossier, Comey, Mueller Investigation, Impeachment investigation hearings... etc. etc. etc..

15 June 2017 Hoyer (D) / Brady (D) statement importance of Election Assistance Commission in light of information on Russian hacking. In January 2017 Chairman Harper (R) had introduced a bill seeking to terminate the agency.

29 June 2017 Leader Pelosi (D) announces Congressional Task Force on Election Security, Chaired by Brady (D) and Thompson (D) and members Lofgren (D), Lengevin (D), Richmond (D), Demmings (D). ( time stamp /3 seconds)

1 August 2017 Congressional Task Force on Election Security sends letter to the National Association of Secretaries of State seeking information from state chief election officials about what resources they need in order to secure their elections.

28 September 2017 Congressional Task Force on Election Security holds it first forum, "Securing America's Elections: Understanding the Threat.

24 October 2017 Congressional Task Force on Election Security holds its second forum: Securing America's Elections:Preparing for 2018 and Beyond. / Just watch the first 15 seconds, you'll get the drift.

20 November 2017 Congressional Task Force on Election Security sends letter to the House Appropriations requesting $400 million to help states secure their voting infrastructure.

(Wonder which states got the money?) ( time stamp /3 seconds)

15 December 2017 Ranking members Brady (D) and Thompson (D) issue statement applauding the National Association of Secretaries of State's call for congress to appropriate the remaining $396 million in outstanding HAVA funds. (watch as much as you can)

19 December 2017 Ranking member Brady reads a letter from House Democrats from 18 of the 21 states whose elections were targeted by Russian hackers in 2016 asking Speaker Ryan to call for an all-Member briefng from DHS and FBI, direct the relevant Congressional committees to investigate Russia's attack's and see bipartisian solutions to secure our elections. (you'll know : )

23 January 2018 Congressional Task Force on Election Security wrote a letter to DHS Secretary Nielsen seeking clarification of DHS election security responsibilites after the demise of the sham Presidential Commission on Election Integrity.

14 February 2018 Congressional Task Force on Election Security releases its final report. (3 min / 17 sec)

The Committee on House Administration's Subcommittee on Elections Election Security Timeline (Full) (don't bother)

29 June 2017 when Pelosi announces the Congressional Task Force on Election Security and then "in mind bending, intergalactic, whiplash fashion" the Democrats solve America's election security issues in 7 months, notwithstanding weekends, holidays, recesses, etc., or all the other drama that was going on.

The report? If you consider that the Deep State knew that their hack had been hacked and there was every indication that they would be unable to reconstitute the capability they would need to migrate to their other means of stealing elections in the short term. The Deep State knew it had lost the internet high ground and needed to mitigate the effectiveness of the hackers who had hacked them by reforming how the nation voted and preserving as much as possible their ability to fix the vote. After all, they had been schooled by the mob on how to skim the old fashion way. What was good enough then would be good enough for 2020 until they could come up with something better. Every avenue to steal 2020, in the end, including the internet hacking was rolled out. Only trouble was, they were looking at the wrong high ground. For whatever reason they had come to the conclusion that they could over come whatever Russia and China could muster, but they were not counting on the Space Force. Let Ricky Jay explain it better that I can:

Ricky Jay / The History Lesson (timestamp / 7 minutes)

Report recommendations:

Federal funds should be provided to help states replace aging, vulnerable voting machines with paper ballots.
States should conduct risk-limiting post-election audits.
Federal funds should be provided to help states upgrade and maintain IT infrastructure including voter registration data bases. Election technology vendors must secure their voting systems.
The Federal Government should develop a national strategy to counter efforts to undermine democratic institutions.
The Intelligence Community should conduct pre-election threat assessments well in advance of federal elections.
DHS should maintain the designation of election infrastructure as a critical infrastructure subsector.
Empower federal agencies to be effective partners in pushing out nationwide security reforms.
Establish clear and effective channels for sharing threat and intelligence information with election officials.
States should prioritize cybersecurity training.

It really is all just a smokescreen to allocate money that can be funneled to the right people to ensure what ever changes made are exploitable... and get the taxpayer to pay for it.

29 December 2016 35 Russians declared Persona Non Grata Given 2 days to leave the country 2 Diplomatic facilities closed

And the timing of the announcement was not random. Remember, Flynn was in the Caribbean on vacation... so when Kislyak tries to call him, Flynn is out of the country, can't hop in his car and go over to the Russian embassy to confer, has to call Kislyak (message to Flynn was relayed to him). The had to have the phone call intercept, that they could not disclose "sources and methods" excuse, but they could make up any interpretation of the call and get the smear and wrap up smear, Flynn fired (once it happened was Flynn's firing Kabuki or real - don't know, but I am suspending disbelief enough to think once Flynn was caught in the trap that the best thing to do was let that whole charade play out - work it back as a bigger distraction than the Deep State anticipated. Can't wait for the movie to come out.

So we had....

Russia Russia Russia to make it impossible for Trump and Putin to work together openly?

China virus to make it impossible for Trump and Xi to work together?

From the zerohedge article linked above:

Meanwhile, Russian ambassador Antonov urged that instead of more 'counter moves' in the diplomatic arena which will only further hurt and strain communications,

"As an option, we can debate on cyber threats to arms control systems, etc," he offered.

If I were editing this article I would change "offered" to "Quipped".

Hypothesis: China and Russia and others "interfered" in the 2016 election by disrupting the hack. Then, pretending to prepare to do it again... China and Russia and others did nothing, let the election get hacked because Space Force had spent from 2017 through 2 November 2020 preparing to intercept the hack and document all the other fraud in the 2020 election. (And if you have read my comment history you know how far back I've been looking.)

After the Deep State (dems / repubs / military industrial complex / big pharma / federal level politicians / state level politicians / county and city level politicians / msm / big tech / or let's just call them the whole bunch Raymond J. Johnson Jr. an be done with it... (37 seconds)

You ask why would China and Russia and others help America?

Because they have the same problems with "people in the shadows" (Donald Trump quote) that America has. So they are helping America to help their own national interests. Now who have I heard make the point that every country worth its salt would always keep its own national interest at the forefront of its foreign policy?


3 years ago
1 score
Reason: None provided.

29 December 2016
35 Russians declared Persona Non Grata
Given 2 days to leave the country
2 Diplomatic facilities closed
For what, exactly?

Interfering in the 2016 election?

2 August 2021 ZeroHedge:

Russia has announced Monday that two dozen of its diplomats in the United States will essentially be booted from the country after their visas expire during the first week of September.

"Russia's ambassador to the United States said Washington had asked 24 Russian diplomats to leave the country by Sept. 3 after their visas expired,

"Anatoly Antonov did not say whether the US request was prompted by any particular dispute, and there was no immediate comment from Washington."

Moscow has cited stringent visa procedures which will likely bar the diplomats from being able to renew them. "Almost all of them will leave without replacements because Washington has abruptly tightened visa issuing procedures," Ambassador Antonov said on Sunday.

"Only in the hottest years this happens... and this year it grows hot!" (timestamp)

Natalie Winters on War Room, 8/9/2021, read from the January 2018 Final Report of the Congressional Task Force On Election Security.

The timeline leading up to the report is important to understanding both the report and the context in which the report was generated. However, the suspension of disbelief is required in one area.

"What if China, Russia, and others are coordinating w/ POTUS to eliminate the NWO?"

Timeline relevant to the Task Force On Election Security. As you read the (Democrat composed) timeline, remember what was happening in terms of Steele Dossier, Comey, Mueller Investigation, Impeachment investigation hearings... etc. etc. etc..

15 June 2017 Hoyer (D) / Brady (D) statement importance of Election Assistance Commission in light of information on Russian hacking. In January 2017 Chairman Harper (R) had introduced a bill seeking to terminate the agency.

29 June 2017 Leader Pelosi (D) announces Congressional Task Force on Election Security, Chaired by Brady (D) and Thompson (D) and members Lofgren (D), Lengevin (D), Richmond (D), Demmings (D). ( time stamp /3 seconds)

1 August 2017 Congressional Task Force on Election Security sends letter to the National Association of Secretaries of State seeking information from state chief election officials about what resources they need in order to secure their elections.

28 September 2017 Congressional Task Force on Election Security holds it first forum, "Securing America's Elections: Understanding the Threat.

24 October 2017 Congressional Task Force on Election Security holds its second forum: Securing America's Elections:Preparing for 2018 and Beyond. / Just watch the first 15 seconds, you'll get the drift.

20 November 2017 Congressional Task Force on Election Security sends letter to the House Appropriations requesting $400 million to help states secure their voting infrastructure.

(Wonder which states got the money?) ( time stamp /3 seconds)

15 December 2017 Ranking members Brady (D) and Thompson (D) issue statement applauding the National Association of Secretaries of State's call for congress to appropriate the remaining $396 million in outstanding HAVA funds. (watch as much as you can)

19 December 2017 Ranking member Brady reads a letter from House Democrats from 18 of the 21 states whose elections were targeted by Russian hackers in 2016 asking Speaker Ryan to call for an all-Member briefng from DHS and FBI, direct the relevant Congressional committees to investigate Russia's attack's and see bipartisian solutions to secure our elections. (you'll know : )

23 January 2018 Congressional Task Force on Election Security wrote a letter to DHS Secretary Nielsen seeking clarification of DHS election security responsibilites after the demise of the sham Presidential Commission on Election Integrity.

14 February 2018 Congressional Task Force on Election Security releases its final report. (3 min / 17 sec)

The Committee on House Administration's Subcommittee on Elections Election Security Timeline (Full) (don't bother)

29 June 2017 when Pelosi announces the Congressional Task Force on Election Security and then "in mind bending, intergalactic, whiplash fashion" the Democrats solve America's election security issues in 7 months, notwithstanding weekends, holidays, recesses, etc., or all the other drama that was going on.

The report? If you do not consider that the Deep State knew that their hack had been hacked and there was every indication that they would be unable to reconstitute the capability and would need to migrate to their other means of stealing elections In short, they had lost the internet high ground attack and needed to mitigate the effectiveness of the hackers who had hacked them by reforming how the nation voted and preserving as much as possible their ability to fix the vote. After all, they had been schooled my the mob how to skim the old fashion way. What was good enough then would be good enough for 2020 until they could come up with something better.

Report recommendations:

Federal funds should be provided to help states replace aging, vulnerable voting machines with paper ballots.
States should conduct risk-limiting post-election audits.
Federal funds should be provided to help states upgrade and maintain IT infrastructure including voter registration data bases. Election technology vendors must secure their voting systems.
The Federal Government should develop a national strategy to counter efforts to undermine democratic institutions.
The Intelligence Community should conduct pre-election threat assessments well in advance of federal elections.
DHS should maintain the designation of election infrastructure as a critical infrastructure subsector.
Empower federal agencies to be effective partners in pushing out nationwide security reforms.
Establish clear and effective channels for sharing threat and intelligence information with election officials.
States should prioritize cybersecurity training.

It really is all just a smokescreen to allocate money that can be funneled to the right people to ensure what ever changes made are exploitable... and get the taxpayer to pay for it.

29 December 2016 35 Russians declared Persona Non Grata Given 2 days to leave the country 2 Diplomatic facilities closed

And the timing of the announcement was not random. Remember, Flynn was in the Caribbean on vacation... so when Kislyak tries to call him, Flynn is out of the country, can't hop in his car and go over to the Russian embassy to confer, has to call Kislyak (message to Flynn was relayed to him). The had to have the phone call intercept, that they could not disclose "sources and methods" excuse, but they could make up any interpretation of the call and get the smear and wrap up smear, Flynn fired (once it happened was Flynn's firing Kabuki or real - don't know, but I am suspending disbelief enough to think once Flynn was caught in the trap that the best thing to do was let that whole charade play out - work it back as a bigger distraction than the Deep State anticipated. Can't wait for the movie to come out.

So we had....

Russia Russia Russia to make it impossible for Trump and Putin to work together openly?

China virus to make it impossible for Trump and Xi to work together?

From the zerohedge article linked above:

Meanwhile, Russian ambassador Antonov urged that instead of more 'counter moves' in the diplomatic arena which will only further hurt and strain communications,

"As an option, we can debate on cyber threats to arms control systems, etc," he offered.

If I were editing this article I would change "offered" to "Quipped".

Hypothesis: China and Russia and others "interfered" in the 2016 election by disrupting the hack. Then, pretending to prepare to do it again... China and Russia and others did nothing, let the election get hacked because Space Force had spent from 2017 through 2 November 2020 preparing to intercept the hack and document all the other fraud in the 2020 election. (And if you have read my comment history you know how far back I've been looking.)

After the Deep State (dems / repubs / military industrial complex / big pharma / federal level politicians / state level politicians / county and city level politicians / msm / big tech / or let's just call them the whole bunch Raymond J. Johnson Jr. an be done with it... (37 seconds)

You ask why would China and Russia and others help America?

Because they have the same problems with "people in the shadows" (Donald Trump quote) that America has. So they are helping America to help their own national interests. Now who have I heard make the point that every country worth its salt would always keep its own national interest at the forefront of its foreign policy?


3 years ago
1 score
Reason: None provided.

29 December 2016
35 Russians declared Persona Non Grata
Given 2 days to leave the country
2 Diplomatic facilities closed
For what, exactly?

Interfering in the 2016 election?

2 August 2021 ZeroHedge:

Russia has announced Monday that two dozen of its diplomats in the United States will essentially be booted from the country after their visas expire during the first week of September.

"Russia's ambassador to the United States said Washington had asked 24 Russian diplomats to leave the country by Sept. 3 after their visas expired,

"Anatoly Antonov did not say whether the US request was prompted by any particular dispute, and there was no immediate comment from Washington."

Moscow has cited stringent visa procedures which will likely bar the diplomats from being able to renew them. "Almost all of them will leave without replacements because Washington has abruptly tightened visa issuing procedures," Ambassador Antonov said on Sunday.

"Only in the hottest years this happens... and this year it grows hot!" (timestamp)

Natalie Winters on War Room, 8/9/2021, read from the January 2018 Final Report of the Congressional Task Force On Election Security.

The timeline leading up to the report is important to understanding both the report and the context in which the report was generated. However, the suspension of disbelief is required in one area.

"What if China, Russia, and others are coordinating w/ POTUS to eliminate the NWO?"

Timeline relevant to the Task Force On Election Security. As you read the (Democrat composed) timeline, remember what was happening in terms of Steele Dossier, Comey, Mueller Investigation, Impeachment investigation hearings... etc. etc. etc..

15 June 2017 Hoyer (D) / Brady (D) statement importance of Election Assistance Commission in light of information on Russian hacking. In January 2017 Chairman Harper (R) had introduced a bill seeking to terminate the agency.

29 June 2017 Leader Pelosi (D) announces Congressional Task Force on Election Security, Chaired by Brady (D) and Thompson (D) and members Lofgren (D), Lengevin (D), Richmond (D), Demmings (D). ( time stamp /3 seconds)

1 August 2017 Congressional Task Force on Election Security sends letter to the National Association of Secretaries of State seeking information from state chief election officials about what resources they need in order to secure their elections.

28 September 2017 Congressional Task Force on Election Security holds it first forum, "Securing America's Elections: Understanding the Threat.

24 October 2017 Congressional Task Force on Election Security holds its second forum: Securing America's Elections:Preparing for 2018 and Beyond. / Just watch the first 15 seconds, you'll get the drift.

20 November 2017 Congressional Task Force on Election Security sends letter to the House Appropriations requesting $400 million to help states secure their voting infrastructure.

(Wonder which states got the money?) ( time stamp /3 seconds)

15 December 2017 Ranking members Brady (D) and Thompson (D) issue statement applauding the National Association of Secretaries of State's call for congress to appropriate the remaining $396 million in outstanding HAVA funds. (watch as much as you can)

19 December 2017 Ranking member Brady reads a letter from House Democrats from 18 of the 21 states whose elections were targeted by Russian hackers in 2016 asking Speaker Ryan to call for an all-Member briefng from DHS and FBI, direct the relevant Congressional committees to investigate Russia's attack's and see bipartisian solutions to secure our elections. (you'll know : )

23 January 2018 Congressional Task Force on Election Security wrote a letter to DHS Secretary Nielsen seeking clarification of DHS election security responsibilites after the demise of the sham Presidential Commission on Election Integrity.

14 February 2018 Congressional Task Force on Election Security releases its final report. (3 min / 17 sec)

The Committee on House Administration's Subcommittee on Elections Election Security Timeline (Full) (don't bother)

29 June 2017 when Pelosi announces the Congressional Task Force on Election Security and then "in mind bending, intergalactic, whiplash fashion" the Democrats solve America's election security issues in 7 months, notwithstanding weekends, holidays, recesses, etc., or all the other drama that was going on.

The report? If you do not consider that the Deep State knew that their hack had been hacked and there was every indication that they would be unable to reconstitute the capability and would need to migrate to their other means of stealing elections In short, they had lost the internet high ground attack and needed to mitigate the effectiveness of the hackers who had hacked them by reforming how the nation voted and preserving as much as possible their ability to fix the vote. After all, they had been schooled my the mob how to skim the old fashion way. What was good enough then would be good enough for 2020 until they could come up with something better.

Report recommendations:

Federal funds should be provided to help states replace aging, vulnerable voting machines with paper ballots.
States should conduct risk-limiting post-election audits.
Federal funds should be provided to help states upgrade and maintain IT infrastructure including voter registration data bases. Election technology vendors must secure their voting systems.
The Federal Government should develop a national strategy to counter efforts to undermine democratic institutions.
The Intelligence Community should conduct pre-election threat assessments well in advance of federal elections.
DHS should maintain the designation of election infrastructure as a critical infrastructure subsector.
Empower federal agencies to be effective partners in pushing out nationwide security reforms.
Establish clear and effective channels for sharing threat and intelligence information with election officials.
States should prioritize cybersecurity training.

It really is all just a smokescreen to allocate money that can be funneled to the right people to ensure what ever changes made are exploitable... and get the taxpayer to pay for it.

29 December 2016 35 Russians declared Persona Non Grata Given 2 days to leave the country 2 Diplomatic facilities closed

And the timing of the announcement was not random. Remember, Flynn was in the Caribbean on vacation... so when Kislyak tries to call him, Flynn is out of the country, can't hop in his car and go over to the Russian embassy to confer, has to call Kislyak (message to Flynn was relayed to him). The had to have the phone call intercept, that they could not disclose "sources and methods" excuse, but they could make up any interpretation of the call and get the smear and wrap up smear, Flynn fired (once it happened was Flynn's firing Kabuki or real - don't know, but I am suspending disbelief enough to think once Flynn was caught in the trap that the best thing to do was let that whole charade play out - work it back as a bigger distraction than the Deep State anticipated. Can't wait for the movie to come out.

So we had....

Russia Russia Russia to make it impossible for Trump and Putin to work together openly?

China virus to make it impossible for Trump and Xi to work together?

From the zerohedge article linked above:

Meanwhile, Russian ambassador Antonov urged that instead of more 'counter moves' in the diplomatic arena which will only further hurt and strain communications,

"As an option, we can debate on cyber threats to arms control systems, etc," he offered.

If I were editing this article I would change "offered" to "Quipped".

Hypothesis: China and Russia and others "interfered" in the 2016 election by disrupting the hack. Then, pretending to prepare to do it again... China and Russia and others did nothing, let the election get hacked because Space Force had spent from 2017 through 2 November 2020 preparing to intercept the hack and document all the other fraud in the 2020 election. (And if you have read my comment history you know how far back I've been looking.)

After the Deep State (dems / repubs / military industrial complex / big pharma / federal level politicians / state level politicians / county and city level politicians / msm / big tech / or let's just call them the whole bunch Raymond J. Johnson Jr. an be done with it... (37 seconds)

You ask why would China and Russia and others help America?

Because they have the same problems with "people in the shadows" (Donald Trump quote) that America has. So they are helping America to help their own national interests. Now who have I heard make the point that every country worth its salt would always keep its own national interest at the forefront of its foreign policy?


3 years ago
1 score
Reason: Original

29 December 2016
35 Russians declared Persona Non Grata
Given 2 days to leave the country
2 Diplomatic facilities closed
For what, exactly?

Interfering in the 2016 election?

2 August 2021 ZeroHedge:

Russia has announced Monday that two dozen of its diplomats in the United States will essentially be booted from the country after their visas expire during the first week of September.

"Russia's ambassador to the United States said Washington had asked 24 Russian diplomats to leave the country by Sept. 3 after their visas expired,

"Anatoly Antonov did not say whether the US request was prompted by any particular dispute, and there was no immediate comment from Washington."

Moscow has cited stringent visa procedures which will likely bar the diplomats from being able to renew them. "Almost all of them will leave without replacements because Washington has abruptly tightened visa issuing procedures," Ambassador Antonov said on Sunday.

"Only in the hottest years this happens... and this year it grows hot!" (timestamp)

Natalie Winters on War Room, 8/9/2021, read from the January 2018 Final Report of the Congressional Task Force On Election Security.

The timeline leading up to the report is important to understanding both the report and the context in which the report was generated. However, the suspension of disbelief is required in one area.

"What if China, Russia, and others are coordinating w/ POTUS to eliminate the NWO?"

Timeline relevant to the Task Force On Election Security. As you read the (Democrat composed) timeline, remember what was happening in terms of Steele Dossier, Comey, Mueller Investigation, Impeachment investigation hearings... etc. etc. etc..

15 June 2017 Hoyer (D) / Brady (D) statement importance of Election Assistance Commission in light of information on Russian hacking. In January 2017 Chairman Harper (R) had introduced a bill seeking to terminate the agency.

29 June 2017 Leader Pelosi (D) announces Congressional Task Force on Election Security, Chaired by Brady (D) and Thompson (D) and members Lofgren (D), Lengevin (D), Richmond (D), Demmings (D). ( time stamp /3 seconds)

1 August 2017 Congressional Task Force on Election Security sends letter to the National Association of Secretaries of State seeking information from state chief election officials about what resources they need in order to secure their elections.

28 September 2017 Congressional Task Force on Election Security holds it first forum, "Securing America's Elections: Understanding the Threat.

24 October 2017 Congressional Task Force on Election Security holds its second forum: Securing America's Elections:Preparing for 2018 and Beyond. / Just watch the first 15 seconds, you'll get the drift.

20 November 2017 Congressional Task Force on Election Security sends letter to the House Appropriations requesting $400 million to help states secure their voting infrastructure.

(Wonder which states got the money?) ( time stamp /3 seconds)

15 December 2017 Ranking members Brady (D) and Thompson (D) issue statement applauding the National Association of Secretaries of State's call for congress to appropriate the remaining $396 million in outstanding HAVA funds. (watch as much as you can)

19 December 2017 Ranking member Brady reads a letter from House Democrats from 18 of the 21 states whose elections were targeted by Russian hackers in 2016 asking Speaker Ryan to call for an all-Member briefng from DHS and FBI, direct the relevant Congressional committees to investigate Russia's attack's and see bipartisian solutions to secure our elections. (you'll know : )

23 January 2018 Congressional Task Force on Election Security wrote a letter to DHS Secretary Nielsen seeking clarification of DHS election security responsibilites after the demise of the sham Presidential Commission on Election Integrity.

14 February 2018 Congressional Task Force on Election Security releases its final report. (3 min / 17 sec)

The Committee on House Administration's Subcommittee on Elections Election Security Timeline (Full) (don't bother)

29 June 2017 when Pelosi announces the Congressional Task Force on Election Security and then "in mind bending, intergalactic, whiplash fashion" the Democrats solve America's election security issues in 7 months, notwithstanding weekends, holidays, recesses, etc., or all the other drama that was going on.

The report? If you do not consider that the Deep State knew that their hack had been hacked and there was every indication that they would be unable to reconstitute the capability and would need to migrate to their other means of stealing elections In short, they had lost the internet high ground attack and needed to mitigate the effectiveness of the hackers who had hacked them by reforming how the nation voted and preserving as much as possible their ability to fix the vote. After all, they had been schooled my the mob how to skim the old fashion way. What was good enough then would be good enough for 2020 until they could come up with something better.

Report recommendations:

Federal funds should be provided to help states replace aging, vulnerable voting machines with paper ballots.
States should conduct risk-limiting post-election audits.
Federal funds should be provided to help states upgrade and maintain IT infrastructure including voter registration data bases. Election technology vendors must secure their voting systems.
The Federal Government should develop a national strategy to counter efforts to undermine democratic institutions.
The Intelligence Community should conduct pre-election threat assessments well in advance of federal elections.
DHS should maintain the designation of election infrastructure as a critical infrastructure subsector.
Empower federal agencies to be effective partners in pushing out nationwide security reforms.
Establish clear and effective channels for sharing threat and intelligence information with election officials.
States should prioritize cybersecurity training.

It really is all just a smokescreen to allocate money that can be funneled to the right people to ensure what ever changes made are exploitable... and get the taxpayer to pay for it.

29 December 2016 35 Russians declared Persona Non Grata Given 2 days to leave the country 2 Diplomatic facilities closed

And the timing of the announcement was not random. Remember, Flynn was in the Caribbean on vacation... so when Kislyak tries to call him, Flynn is out of the country, can't hop in his car and go over to the Russian embassy to confer, has to call Kislyak (message to Flynn was relayed to him). The had to have the phone call intercept, that they could not disclose "sources and methods" excuse, but they could make up any interpretation of the call and get the smear and wrap up smear, Flynn fired (once it happened was Flynn's firing Kabuki or real - don't know, but I am suspending disbelief enough to think once Flynn was caught in the trap that the best thing to do was let that whole charade play out - work it back as a bigger distraction than the Deep State anticipated. Can't wait for the movie to come out.

So we had....

Russia Russia Russia to make it impossible for Trump and Putin to work together openly?

China virus to make it impossible for Trump and Xi to work together?

From the zerohedge article linked above:

Meanwhile, Russian ambassador Antonov urged that instead of more 'counter moves' in the diplomatic arena which will only further hurt and strain communications,

"As an option, we can debate on cyber threats to arms control systems, etc," he offered.

If I were editing this article I would change "offered" to "Quipped".

Hypothesis: China and Russia and others "interfered" in the 2016 election by disrupting the hack. Then, pretending to prepare to do it again... China and Russia and others did nothing, let the election get hacked because Space Force had spent from 2017 through 2 November 2020 preparing to intercept the hack and document all the other fraud in the 2020 election. (And if you have read my comment history you know how far back I've been looking.)

After the Deep State (dems / repubs / military industrial complex / big pharma / federal level politicians / state level politicians / county and city level politicians / msm / big tech / or let's just call them the whole bunch Raymond J. Johnson Jr. an be done with it... (37 seconds)

You ask why would China and Russia and others help America?

Because they have the same problems with "people in the shadows" (Donald Trump quote) that America has. So they are helping America to help their own national interests. Now who have I heard make the point that every country worth its salt would always keep its own national interest at the forefront of its foreign policy?


3 years ago
1 score