Two major events come to mind, which is Epstein's arrest and 'death', and this debacle in Afghanistan including a CH47 landing on the embassy roof. Neither were predicted by 'soon' posts.
Because in war you can fully predict YOUR moves,NOT moves of the enemy. Because you wouldn't say the enemy you know his moves if those moves are beneficial to you.
Probably Secret level Secret or Top Secret: Afghanistan was already crossed in times of Trump administration. It was already lost war,the question was how long to continue it and how much lives and money to pay for it.Choosing those rotten egg to be left for Bidet administration was genius move as thing is USA couldn't afford to keep Afghanistan while being in debt.But and China wants it. So why not to let China take it with the help of traitors ? Especially if that Chinese cooperation with traitors could potentially lead to cancelling all debt to China ? And Afghanistan ? They are Tribal. After Taliban deal with China how long it would take until some tribes would attack Chinese ? How long until Chinese will make it another Tibet or Xinjiang (region where Uighers live). Or if not they will have to pump billions in Afganistan (Sure,they would... - look at Uighers) to keep peace there.Pay to every tribes or neutralise them,otherwise their beatifull transports on their beatifull "new silk road" would be robbed or blown up...
Officially humanitarian disaster yes, in reality it could be making asset from the enemy. Instead of killing US soldiers they would kill Chinese soldiers soon.I would call that moving from failure to victory.
Then if it was cabal who decided about Afganistan they sped up Taliban to cause disaster and hurt US (US image + plan to destroy US assets in Afganistan) or even blame Trump. Or who knows - maybe it is already justification to another bloody intervention in Afganistan on which USA would pointlessly bleed out ? It could be also show of the military,but in such case it would be such dirty decision like with the Kurds (they were commies,but still against ISIS and Erdogan)
Two major events come to mind, which is Epstein's arrest and 'death', and this debacle in Afghanistan including a CH47 landing on the embassy roof. Neither were predicted by 'soon' posts.
Because in war you can fully predict YOUR moves,NOT moves of the enemy. Because you wouldn't say the enemy you know his moves if those moves are beneficial to you.
Probably Secret level Secret or Top Secret: Afghanistan was already crossed in times of Trump administration. It was already lost war,the question was how long to continue it and how much lives and money to pay for it.Choosing those rotten egg to be left for Bidet administration was genius move as thing is USA couldn't afford to keep Afghanistan while being in debt.But and China wants it. So why not to let China take it with the help of traitors ? Especially if that Chinese cooperation with traitors could potentially lead to cancelling all debt to China ? And Afghanistan ? They are Tribal. After Taliban deal with China how long it would take until some tribes would attack Chinese ? How long until Chinese will make it another Tibet or Xinjiang (region where Uighers live). Or if not they will have to pump billions in Afganistan (Sure,they would... - look at Uighers) to keep peace there.Pay to every tribes or neutralise them,otherwise their beatifull transports on their beatifull "new silk road" would be robbed or blown up...
Officially humanitarian disaster yes, in reality it could be making asset from the enemy. Instead of killing US soldiers they would kill Chinese soldiers soon.I would call that moving from failure to victory.
Then if it was cabal who decided about Afganistan they sped up Taliban to cause disaster and hurt US (US image + plan to destroy US assets in Afganistan) or even blame Trump. Or who knows - maybe it is already justification to another bloody intervention in Afganistan on which USA would pointlessly bleed out ? It could be also show of the military,but in such case it would be such dirty decision like with the Kurds (they were commies,but still against ISIS and Erdogan)
Two major events come to mind, which is Epstein's arrest and 'death', and this debacle in Afghanistan including a CH47 landing on the embassy roof. Neither were predicted by 'soon' posts.
Because in war you can fully predict YOUR moves,NOT moves of the enemy. Because you wouldn't say the enemy you know his moves if those moves are beneficial to you. Probably Secret level Secret: Afghanistan was already crossed in times of Trump administration. It was already lost war,the question was how long to continue it and how much lives and money to pay for it.Choosing those rotten egg to be left for Bidet administration was genius move as thing is USA couldn't afford to keep Afghanistan while being in debt and China wants it. So why not to let China take it with the help of traitors ? Especially if that Chinese cooperation with traitors would lead to cancelling all debt to China. And Afghanistan ? They are Tribal. After Taliban deal with China how long it would take until some tribes would attack Chinese ? How long until Chinese will make it another Tibet or Xinjiang (region where Uighers live) Officially humanitarian disaster yes, in reality it could be making asset from the enemy. Instead of killing US soldiers they would kill Chinese soldiers soon.I would call that moving from failure to victory.
Then if it was cabal who decided about Afganistan they sped up Taliban to cause disaster and hurt US (US image + plan to destroy US assets in Afganistan) or even blame Trump. Or who knows - maybe it is already justification to another bloody intervention in Afganistan on which USA would pointlessly bleed out ? It could be also show of the military,but in such case it would be such dirty decision like with the Kurds (they were commies,but still against ISIS and Erdogan)
Two major events come to mind, which is Epstein's arrest and 'death', and this debacle in Afghanistan including a CH47 landing on the embassy roof. Neither were predicted by 'soon' posts.
Because in war you can fully predict YOUR moves,NOT moves of the enemy. Because you wouldn't say the enemy you know his moves if those moves are beneficial to you. Probably Secret level Secret: Afghanistan was already crossed in times of Trump administration. It was already lost war,the question was how long to continue it and how much lives and money to pay for it.Choosing those rotten egg to be left for Bidet administration was genius move as thing is USA couldn't afford to keep Afghanistan while being in debt and China wants it. So why not to let China take it with the help of traitors ? Especially if that Chinese cooperation with traitors would lead to cancelling all debt to China. And Afghanistan ? They are Tribal. After Taliban deal with China how long it would take until some tribes would attack Chinese ? How long until Chinese will make it another Tibet or Xinjiang (region where Uighers live) Officially humanitarian disaster yes, in reality it could be making asset from the enemy. Instead of killing US soldiers they would kill Chinese soldiers soon.
Then if it was cabal who decided about Afganistan they sped up Taliban to cause disaster and hurt US (US image + plan to destroy US assets in Afganistan) or even blame Trump. It could be also show of the military,but in such case it would be such dirty decision like with the Kurds (they were commies,but still against ISIS and Erdogan)
Two major events come to mind, which is Epstein's arrest and 'death', and this debacle in Afghanistan including a CH47 landing on the embassy roof. Neither were predicted by 'soon' posts.
Because in war you can fully predict YOUR moves,NOT moves of the enemy. Because you wouldn't say the enemy you know his moves if those moves are beneficial to you.