The article is garbage anyway. Just because you get fired doesn't mean that you qualify for unemployment, you have to get fired for something out of your control or laid off.
Unemployment isn't costing them anything more than they have already paid. Unemployment is insurance that the company pays into. It's a monthly fee and you filing for unemployment isn't going to cost them anything, perhaps a higher premium next year, that you will have paid for if you remain working for them.....
These people are not your friends and you do not owe them anything. Grow a pair and stand up for your rights before they are gone for good..
Though, I will add that OSHA has approved that employers that mandate the jab can be held responsible for damages after it is approved by the FDA, in 7 days. But you will have to be injured from the vax to make a claim against the employer, and it will have to have been mandated suggestions to get vaxed will not count towards "coercion".
The article is garbage anyway. Just because you get fired doesn't mean that you qualify for unemployment, you have to get fired for something out of your control or laid off.
Unemployment isn't costing them anything more than they have already paid. Unemployment is insurance that the company pays into. It's a monthly fee and you filing for unemployment isn't going to cost them anything, perhaps a higher premium next year, that you will have paid for if you remain working for them.....
These people are not your friends and you do not owe them anything. Grow a pair and stand up for your rights before they are gone for good..
Though, I well add that OSHA has approved that employers that mandate the jab can be held responsible for damages after it is approved by the FDA, in 7 days. But you will have to be injured from the vax to make a claim against the employer, and it will have to have been mandated suggestions to get vaxed will not count towards "coercion".
The article is garbage anyway. Just because you get fired doesn't mean that you qualify for unemployment, you have to get fired for something out of your control or laid off.
Unemployment isn't costing them anything more than they have already paid. Unemployment is insurance that the company pays into. It's a monthly fee and you filing for unemployment isn't going to cost them anything, perhaps a higher premium next year, that you will have paid for if you remain working for them.....
These people are not your friends and you do not owe them anything. Grow a pair and stand up for your rights before they are gone for good..