Reason: None provided.
Science has proven that the poison causes life long illness, infertility, prenatal infanticide, and death.
Wtf is this stickied? Wtf is happening to this place? Why are communist whataboutisms allowed to proliferate?
Are you fucking kidding me!?!??
Maybe I’m overreacting. I should hit the range.
I’m hitting the range. Brb.
3 years ago
4 score
Reason: Original
Science has proven that the poison causes life long illness, infertility, prenatal infanticide, and death.
Wtf is this stickied? Wtf is happening this place? Why are communist whataboutisms allowed to proliferate?
Are you fucking kidding me!?!??
Maybe I’m overreacting. I should hit the range.
I’m hitting the range. Brb.
3 years ago
1 score