CENTCOM Or USCENTCOM Alerts For Middle East Taken from Defcon Level Warning System is at a 2. https://www.defconlevel.com/central-command-news.php
Today's Overall Alert Status Now Taken from Defcon Level Warning System is a 4. I'm really not that certain how accurate this site is, though. I agree with Brent75. We aren't there yet but it might be coming soon.
Good vid - thanks for posting.
EDIT: CENTCOM Or USCENTCOM Alerts For Middle East Taken from Defcon Level Warning System just went to a 1
CENTCOM Or USCENTCOM Alerts For Middle East Taken from Defcon Level Warning System is at a 2. https://www.defconlevel.com/central-command-news.php
Today's Overall Alert Status Now Taken from Defcon Level Warning System is a 4. I'm really not that certain how accurate this site is, though. I agree with Brent75. We aren't there yet but it might be coming soon.
Good vid - thanks for posting.
CENTCOM Or USCENTCOM Alerts For Middle East Taken from Defcon Level Warning System is at a 2. https://www.defconlevel.com/central-command-news.php
Today's Overall Alert Status Now Taken from Defcon Level Warning System is a 4. I'm really not that certain how accurate this site is, though. I agree with Brent75. We aren't there yet but it might be coming soon.