100% exactly! All the points you made are exactly what I'm talking about. Man, esp. the military.
And someone will come along and say "well I know women who are better carpenters than some men..... or I know some women who shoot better than men..." etc. Yeah, no problem! That's not what the hell I'm talking about AT ALL. When you have other people's lives in your hands, when you are in law enforcement, the military, saving people from freakin' burning buildings, etc. etc....then a man needs to do the man's job. Period. There are differences between men and women. Why people keep trying to ignore nature, I'll never understand. You shouldn't put other people's lives at risk because you have something to prove. Put your damn ego in the corner.
And I'm sure there are exceptions to the rule, there always is. But there problems that people just ignore and pretend don't exist because "women's rights" or "equality". Men and women are not the same. They are equal in worth, but they are not equal in strength etc. Too many people gauge "worth" by the wrong things. And therein lies the problem.
100% exactly!
And someone will come along and say "well I know women who are better carpenters than some men..... or I know some women who shoot better than men..." etc. Yeah, no problem! That's not what the hell I'm talking about AT ALL. When you have other people's lives in your hands, when you are in law enforcement, the military, saving people from freakin' burning buildings, etc. etc....then a man needs to do the man's job. Period. You shouldn't put other people's lives at risk because you have something to prove. Put your damn ego in the corner.