DISCUSSION: Was Operation Jade Helm a training exercise for taking down the deep state and DUMBs? Walmarts closed? Plastic caskets? Guillotines? Masssive ammo buy-ups by federal agencies? Was 2015 preparation for "The Plan"?
Rare events in September 2015:
11 Anniversary of 9/11
13 Shemitah year ends. Traditionally, every 7th year on the Jewish calendar (360 days) is a known as a Shemitah year. Every 7th Shemitah year (7x7=49 years) is a higher level Shemitah called a “Year of Jubilee” which this one happens to be. Oddly, significant events in Jewish and world history occur during Shemitah years. Many US market crashes have occurred on or near the last day of Shemitah. The 2001 and 2008 crashes occurred exactly on the last day of Shemitah which is the last day of the Jewish calendar, Elul 29. Elul 29 falls on Sunday, September 13 this year. Stock markets open the next day, Monday the 14th. Will there be a repeat of the 2001 and 2008 market crashes?
15 Jade Helm, the large scale, and unpublicized military operation being conducted across southern states from California to Florida technically ends, but is expected to remain in place with all its assets, ready for martial law. This is the first time US military has trained outside federal land and among citizens. A large number of Wal-Mart stores have closed inexplicably in operation areas, giving employees 5 hours’ notice. In all cases, Wal-Mart cited “plumbing repairs” which would take one year. No permits were pulled. Inventory removed and unusual security upgrades, barbed wire, cameras, guard towers etc. Hidden footage shows stores empty, shelves gone. Will these be staging areas? Detention centers?
22 Yom Kippur (Jewish Day of Atonement) begins at sunset. This is the most important Jewish holy day, whereby the nation’s sins are forgiven, or atoned.
22 Controversial Pope Francis arrives in DC. Many suspect he is an anti-pope, as many of his beliefs are contrary to the church doctrine and bible. Various prophecies indicate he will be the “last pope”.
23 Yom Kippur ends at sunset.
23 Pope Francis visits the White House. Pope #266 visits Obama on the 266th day of the year. Human gestation is 266 days before birth. This eerie coincidence evokes end time prophecies regarding the beginning of labor pains, i.e. approaching tribulation. In 1100 AD, deacon Malachy predicted the names and nature of popes to come, with pope #266 to be final. In March 2015, Francis remarked his time as pope will likely be brief…maybe only a couple years… a bizarre statement as popes generally serve for life. Incidentally, there are several prophecies indicating the 44th president to be final as well. Several indicate he will be black.
23 French Foreign Minister’s stark prediction, “500 days until climate chaos” falls on this date.
23 For years, unexplained references to 9/23/15 and world destruction have been regularly written into movies, TV shows, cartoons and commercials. Many believe these are clues leaked by the Illuminati, that a near extinction-level event they know is coming. This might also explain Jade Helm. Some say a comet, meteor, or EMP attack are possibilities.
23 The massive particle collider CERN goes to full power with major upgrades in attempt to create dark matter or open dimensional portals. Well known physicists have warned this could end badly. Bizarre satanic opening ceremonies.
24 Pope Francis addresses Congress - first time in history a pope has done so.
25 Pope Francis addresses United Nations General Assembly on the annual International Day of Peace. UN is also expected to vote to recognize the State of Palestine which is a massive assault against Israel, and the Promised Land.
28 Fourth and final Blood moon of the current blood moon Tetrad which began April 15, 2014. Tetrads are rare, but to have a solar eclipse between the 2nd and 3rd moons is remarkably rare. It is enormously rare for all four red moons to land on major Jewish holidays as this one does with Passover, Feast of Tabernacle, and Sukkot. This will not repeat for 600 years.
DISCUSSION: Was Operation Jade Helm a training exercise for taking down the deep state and DUMBs? Walmarts closed? Plastic caskets? Guillotines? Masssive ammo buy-ups by federal agencies? Was 2015 preparation for "The Plan"?
Here are my calendar notes of rare events in September 2015:
11 9/11 anniversary
13 Shemitah year ends. Traditionally, every 7th year on the Jewish calendar (360 days) is a known as a Shemitah year. Every 7th Shemitah year (7x7=49 years) is a higher level Shemitah called a “Year of Jubilee” which this one happens to be. Oddly, significant events in Jewish and world history occur during Shemitah years. Many US market crashes have occurred on or near the last day of Shemitah. The 2001 and 2008 crashes occurred exactly on the last day of Shemitah which is the last day of the Jewish calendar, Elul 29. Elul 29 falls on Sunday, September 13 this year. Stock markets open the next day, Monday the 14th. Will there be a repeat of the 2001 and 2008 market crashes?
15 Jade Helm, the large scale, and unpublicized military operation being conducted across southern states from California to Florida technically ends, but is expected to remain in place with all its assets, ready for martial law. This is the first time US military has trained outside federal land and among citizens. A large number of Wal-Mart stores have closed inexplicably in operation areas, giving employees 5 hours’ notice. In all cases, Wal-Mart cited “plumbing repairs” which would take one year. No permits were pulled. Inventory removed and unusual security upgrades, barbed wire, cameras, guard towers etc. Hidden footage shows stores empty, shelves gone. Will these be staging areas? Detention centers?
22 Yom Kippur (Jewish Day of Atonement) begins at sunset. This is the most important Jewish holy day, whereby the nation’s sins are forgiven, or atoned.
22 Controversial Pope Francis arrives in DC. Many suspect he is an anti-pope, as many of his beliefs are contrary to the church doctrine and bible. Various prophecies indicate he will be the “last pope”.
23 Yom Kippur ends at sunset.
23 Pope Francis visits the White House. Pope #266 visits Obama on the 266th day of the year. Human gestation is 266 days before birth. This eerie coincidence evokes end time prophecies regarding the beginning of labor pains, i.e. approaching tribulation. In 1100 AD, deacon Malachy predicted the names and nature of popes to come, with pope #266 to be final. In March 2015, Francis remarked his time as pope will likely be brief…maybe only a couple years… a bizarre statement as popes generally serve for life. Incidentally, there are several prophecies indicating the 44th president to be final as well. Several indicate he will be black.
23 French Foreign Minister’s stark prediction, “500 days until climate chaos” falls on this date.
23 For years, unexplained references to 9/23/15 and world destruction have been regularly written into movies, TV shows, cartoons and commercials. Many believe these are clues leaked by the Illuminati, that a near extinction-level event they know is coming. This might also explain Jade Helm. Some say a comet, meteor, or EMP attack are possibilities.
23 The massive particle collider CERN goes to full power with major upgrades in attempt to create dark matter or open dimensional portals. Well known physicists have warned this could end badly. Bizarre satanic opening ceremonies.
24 Pope Francis addresses Congress - first time in history a pope has done so.
25 Pope Francis addresses United Nations General Assembly on the annual International Day of Peace. UN is also expected to vote to recognize the State of Palestine which is a massive assault against Israel, and the Promised Land.
28 Fourth and final Blood moon of the current blood moon Tetrad which began April 15, 2014. Tetrads are rare, but to have a solar eclipse between the 2nd and 3rd moons is remarkably rare. It is enormously rare for all four red moons to land on major Jewish holidays as this one does with Passover, Feast of Tabernacle, and Sukkot. This will not repeat for 600 years.