Reason: None provided.
They call trafficked children Prostitutes "Young Prostitutes", "boy prostitutes.... "
Why do you think Kamala Harris worked so hard trying to get Prostitution legalized?
And you saying
are literally just hooker and john bust.
is absolutely disgusting
3 years ago
1 score
Reason: None provided.
They call trafficked children Prostitutes "Young Prostitutes", "boy prostitutes.... "
Why do you think Kamala Harris worked so hard trying to get Prostitution legalized?
And you saying
are literally just hooker and john bust. is disgusting
3 years ago
1 score
Reason: Original
They call trafficked children Prostitutes "Young Prostitutes", "boy prostitutes.... "
Why do you think Kamala Harris worked so hard trying to get Prostitution legalized?
3 years ago
1 score