Reason: added question about proof
I have been thinking the past few weeks:
"Proof to begin 11.3"
11.3 in the LoW Manual is End of Occupation
What if 11.3 refers not to the end of China's occupation of the US via the belligerent regime, but the end of the US occupation of Afghanistan?
And with regards to 'proof', proof of what exactly? Of Q itself? Of election theft? Of pedo stuff?
3 years ago
6 score
Reason: Original
I have been thinking the past few weeks:
"Proof to begin 11.3"
11.3 in the LoW Manual is End of Occupation
What if 11.3 refers not to the end of China's occupation of the US via the belligerent regime, but the end of the US occupation of Afghanistan?
3 years ago
1 score