I blame governor Sausage Casing (because he's so full of shit), with his latest mandate. Something about wearing masks again. He's the hanging I look forward to with Nuremburg 2.0, but he's such a shit coward snowflake, you just know he's going to suicide himself.
Damn brainwashed sheep just keep sheeping. I'm doing my best to wake up my friends, but at this point, I might be better off by finding new friends. Utter madness on their end.
I blame governor Sausage Casing (because he's so full of shit), with his latest mandate. Something about wearing masks again. He's the hanging I look forward to with Nuremburg 2.0, but he's such a shit coward, you just know he's going to suicide himself.
Damn brainwashed sheep just keep sheeping. I'm doing my best to wake up my friends, but at this point, I might be better off by finding new friends. Utter madness on their end.