Try not to be get triggered about it and think rationally instead of acting like a tantrum throwing bitch.
Who cares if the anon wasn't right about the element. That Co5Fe2 is a nanoparticle that matches Covfefe that Trump tweeted on purpose is interesting.
You said yourself that you don't know what Co5Fe2 is used for so maybe we should do a little research on it since we still don't know what Trump meant by Covfefe.
Try not to be get triggered about it and think rationally instead of acting like a tantrum throwing bitch.
Who cares if the anon wasn't right about the element. That Co5Fe2 is a nanoparticle that matches Covfefe that Trump tweeted on purpose is interesting.
You said yourself that you don't know what Co5Fe2 is used for so maybe we should do a little research on it since we still don't know what Trump meant by Covfefe. Is that ok bitch boy?