That's a fairly weak attempt at a debunk. They use a screen shot of someone's interpretation/misrepresentation of scenario Lock Step and present it as if they are supposed to be direct quotes and they make nit-picky debunks like:
there is no document called “Operation Lockstep,”
...when the document clearly has a "Scenario Narrative" titled "Lock Step"
and this image did not come from a “Rockefeller Playbook.”
... the image they are using to debunk it is a misrepresentation of the Rockefeller publication titled "Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development", which seems like a case of limited hangout where they twist the parameters of what is being debunked to get it a False rating.
So they're "debunking" it using semantics when the document is very real only because it doesn't use exact language like "Covid-19"
To their credit, they at least link to the actual document though.
Do take a look at it. It isn't the exact specific instructions on how to plan the Covid-19 to create a police state as stated in the image Snope's used to "debunk" it (as if they would publish something titled "Here are our exact plans for world domination"), but it is quite alarming.
That's a fairly weak attempt at a debunk. They use a screen shot of someone's interpretation/misrepresentation of scenario Lock Step and present it as if they are supposed to be direct quotes and they make nit-picky debunks like:
there is no document called “Operation Lockstep,”
...when the document clearly has a "Scenario Narrative" titled "Lock Step"
and this image did not come from a “Rockefeller Playbook.”
... the image they are using to debunk it is a misrepresentation of the Rockefeller publication titled "Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development", which seems like a case of limited hangout where they twist the parameters of what is being debunked to get it a False rating.
So they're "debunking" it using semantics when the document is very real only because it doesn't use exact language like "Covid-19"
To their credit, they at least link to the actual document though.
Do take a look at it. It isn't the exact specific instructions on how to plan the Covid-19 to create a police state as stated in the image Snope's used to "debunk" it (as if they would publish something titled "Here are our exact plans for world domination"), but it is quite alarming.