Why is this stickied? Because, I'm a bit shy to admit, I'm 34 days sober today. Longest period in 30 years, I'd say. Why? Hope no one laughs, but I want to be ready to stand when this all goes down. I want to remember these days and savour them on some level. And I have people around me who are dead asleep. I can actually need my best self. I can't let them down. And, truth be told, it's why I'm working so hard here. This place matters. YOU guys matter. You're the wave, the bleeding edge. We are a powerful weapon! And I need to be SHARP. We all do! Time to lead by example. For all of us! We are only a FORCE when we're working together.
Anyway, since it's Sunday and we're still waiting for the audit to drop, I thought I'd open it up. I would genuinely like to hear how some of you are stepping out and maybe doing little (or big) things differently. Cheers.
Why is this stickied? Because, I'm a bit shy to admit, I'm 34 days sober today. Longest period in 30 years, I'd say. Why? Hope no one laughs, but I want to be ready to stand when this all goes down. I want to remember these days and savour them on some level. And I have people around me who are dead asleep. I can actually need my best self. I can't let them down. And, truth be told, it's why I'm working so hard here. This place matters. YOU guys matter. You're the wave, the bleeding edge. We are a powerful weapon! And I need to be SHARP. We all do! Time to lead by example.
Anyway, since it's Sunday and we're still waiting for the audit to drop, I thought I'd open it up. I would genuinely like to hear how some of you are stepping out and maybe doing little (or big) things differently. Cheers.
Why is this stickied? Because, I'm a bit shy to admit, I'm 34 days sober today. Longest period in 30 years, I'd say. Why? Hope no one laughs, but I want to be ready to stand when this all goes down. I want to remember these days and savour them on some level. And I have people around me who are dead asleep. I can actually need my best self. I can't let them down.
Anyway, since it's Sunday and we're still waiting for the audit to drop, I thought I'd open it up. I would genuinely like to hear how some of you are stepping out and maybe doing little (or big) things differently. Cheers.
Why is this stickied? Because, I'm a bit shy to admit, I'm 34 days sober today. Longest period in 30 years, I'd say. Why? Hope no one laughs, but I want to be ready to stand when this all goes down. I want to remember these days and savour them on some level. And I have people around me who are dead asleep. I can actually need my best self. I can't let them down.
Anyway, since it's Sunday and we're still waiting for the audit to drop, I thought I'd open it up. I would genuinely like to hear how some of you are stepping out and maybe doing little (or big) things differently. Cheers.