Yes. 2 family members “fell” and died, (obviously when your heart explodes—you fall and die)
2 other family members can’t even walk anymore. Knees are destroyed 3 months after the shot, they need wheelchairs now.
2 other young (early 30s) female cousins of mine both lost their babies in the 1st trimester.
2 employees (women) are losing their hair and will need wigs by next Spring, they both said they noticed it after the shots.
Yes. 2 family members “fell” and died, (obviously when your heart explodes—you fall and die)
2 other family members can’t even walk anymore. Knees are destroyed 3 months after the shot, they need wheelchairs now.
2 other young (early 30s) female cousins of mine both lost their babies in the 1st trimester.
2 employers (women) are losing their hair and will need wigs by next Spring, they both said they noticed it after the shots.
Yes. 2 family members “fell” and died, (obviously when your heart explodes—you fall and die)
2 other family members can’t even walk anymore. Knees are destroyed 3 months after the shot, they need wheelchairs now.
2 employers (women) are losing their hair and will need wigs by next Spring, they both said they noticed it after the shots.