What makes me think that the vaccine (while it has definitely been shown to harm some people) was not at first meant to BE harmful is that vaxxed people are carrying 251% higher viral load than unvaxxed, with no symptoms. That's weird. Not a conclusive success, but noteworthy nonetheless. Trouble is, the vaxxed still get sick. I have seen no statistics yet though on how many people die of the Rona after being vaxxed. All I see is reports that people are still getting it. I suppose it is by design that no one is reporting rona/vaxxed deaths.
What makes me think that the vaccine (while it has definitely been shown to harm some people) was not at first meant to BE harmful is that vaxxed people are carrying 251% higher viral load than unvaxxed, with no symptoms. That's weird. Not a conclusive success, but noteworthy nonetheless. Trouble is, the vaxxed still get sick. I have seen no statistics yet though on how many people die of the Rona after being vaxxed. All I see is reports that people are still getting it. I suppose it is by design that no one is reporting rona/vaxxed deaths.