Dear Box, I know it's not fair of me to touch base with you and run off - but you've triggered me in a good way and I have just a morsel for you to consider -
Compare the mis-use of American military-might (20th & 21st century and maybe some prior) to the "adventureism" (imperialism) of the early Islamists/jihadists (9th, 10th, 11th centuries and forward). The American military power came directly/indirectly from the taxpayers (and allies + industrialists?) - and their belief that they were in the right. The Islamist military power came from their raiding/trafficking/conquering (and outside sources?) and their cultish devotion to their "messenger" and their idolatrous, sock-puppet, pseudo-diety (in other words, they believed they were right).
But who put each of them up to all of this at the time they were "adventuring"? Was Mohammad just a tool? Is our media just a tool? Were both George Bush(s) just a tool? (hah hah, you KNOW the answer to that!) Were similar, bloody, "globalist" hands pulling the strings on both "puppets" (Jihadists & USA and others) during different eras - and also supplying some of/much of the funding? To what purpose (in both cases)? The erosion of peace? The expansion of chaos? Simple profiteering? Just some Kings and Princes making war on each other? AND, before you resort to just blaming the "bankers" or just blaming it on "the Jews", remember the Scriptural definition of who it is that SPIRITUALLY is a son or daughter of Abraham: "blessed to be a blessing" (Genesis 12:2-3).
In either case, the outcome has been untold suffering, horror, destruction and the degradation of the human condition directly and indirectly, all over the world. Want to pursue a PHD in globalist string-pulling history (hah-hah, string theory)? Consider the unveiling of all the pieces of this puzzle for your doctoral dissertation and your post-doctoral work. We know that the spiritual enemy of The Lord God is ultimately behind it all - but who have been his (Its?) most devoted puppets - and when... and why?
Sorry! I have to go for now. All my best to you! GBY & your loved ones! Working/ learning/ praying/ serving/ struggling/ hoping/ realizing together, we MAGA!
Dear Box, I know it's not fair of me to touch base with you and run off - but you've triggered me in a good way and I have just a morsel for you to consider -
Compare the mis-use of American military-might (20th & 21st century and maybe some prior) to the "adventureism" (imperialism) of the early Islamists/jihadists (9th, 10th, 11th centuries and forward). The American military power came directly/indirectly from the taxpayers (and allies + industrialists?) - and their belief that they were in the right. The Islamist military power came from their raiding/trafficking/conquering (and outside sources?) and their cultish devotion to their "messenger" and their idolatrous, sock-puppet, pseudo-diety (in other words, they believed they were right).
But who put each of them up to all of this at the time they were "adventuring"? Was Mohammad just a tool? Were both George Bush(s) just a tool? (hah hah, you KNOW the answer to that!) Were similar, bloody, "globalist" hands pulling the strings on both "puppets" (Jihadists & USA and others) during different eras - and also supplying some of/much of the funding? To what purpose (in both cases)? The erosion of peace? The expansion of chaos? Simple profiteering? Just some Kings and Princes making war on each other? AND, before you resort to just blaming the "bankers" or just blaming it on "the Jews", remember the Scriptural definition of who it is that SPIRITUALLY is a son or daughter of Abraham: "blessed to be a blessing" (Genesis 12:2-3).
In either case, the outcome has been untold suffering, horror, destruction and the degradation of the human condition directly and indirectly, all over the world. Want to pursue a PHD in globalist string-pulling history (hah-hah, string theory)? Consider the unveiling of all the pieces of this puzzle for your doctoral dissertation and your post-doctoral work. We know that the spiritual enemy of The Lord God is ultimately behind it all - but who have been his (Its?) most devoted puppets - and when... and why?
Sorry! I have to go for now. All my best to you! GBY & your loved ones! Working/ learning/ praying/ serving/ struggling/ hoping/ realizing together, we MAGA!
Dear Box, I know it's not fair of me to touch base with you and run off - but you've triggered me in a good way and I have just a morsel for you to consider -
Compare the mis-use of American military-might (20th & 21st century and maybe some prior) to the "adventureism" (imperialism) of the early Islamists/jihadists (9th, 10th, 11th centuries and forward). The American military power came directly/indirectly from the taxpayers (and allies + industrialists?) - and their belief that they were in the right. The Islamist military power came from their raiding/trafficking/conquering (and outside sources?) and their cultish devotion to their "messenger" and their idolatrous, sock-puppet, pseudo-diety (in other words, they believed they were right).
But who put each of them up to all of this at the time they were "adventuring"? Was Mohammed just a tool? Were both George Bush(s) just a tool? (hah hah, you KNOW the answer to that!) Were similar, bloody, "globalist" hands pulling the strings on both "puppets" (Jihadists & USA and others) during different eras - and also supplying some of/much of the funding? To what purpose (in both cases)? The erosion of peace? The expansion of chaos? Simple profiteering? Just some Kings and Princes making war on each other?
In either case, the outcome has been untold suffering, horror, destruction and the degradation of the human condition directly and indirectly, all over the world. Want to pursue a PHD in globalist string-pulling history (hah-hah, string theory)? Consider the uncovering of this puzzle for your doctoral dissertation and your post-doctoral work. We know that the spiritual enemy of The Lord God is ultimately behind it all - but who have been his (Its?) most devoted puppets - and when... and why?
Sorry! I have to go for now. All my best to you! GBY & your loved ones! Working/ learning/ praying/ serving/ struggling/ hoping/ realizing together, we MAGA!