What is sepulchre? Also I was just thinking... they talk about false prophets before the real stuff starts to happen. Does anyone feel like compiling a list of the false prophets of the past that have led the sheep down the wrong path.. that is, before the real truth comes out and shows us the correct path... also will we have any kind of true confirmation that the next prophet isn't yet another false prophet. Or is it something we are just supposed to know and feel Is finally correct. That this path is the path we are supposed to go down, hand in hand to finally rid the world of evil.. Just some deep stuff you made me think about.. Any thoughts on this guys?
What is sepulchre? Also I was just thinking... they talk about false prophets before the real stuff starts to happen. Does anyone feel like compiling a list of the false prophets of the past that have led the sheep down the wrong path.. that is, before the real truth comes out and shows us the correct path... also will we have any kind of true confirmation that the next prophet isn't yet another false prophet. Or is it something we are just supposed to know and feel Is fi ally correct. That this path is the path we are supposed to go down, hand in hand to finally rid the world of evil.. Just some deep stuff you made me think about.. Any thoughts on this guys?