How many ways can false statements be made? Let me count the ways ...
If softened under heat, which is a WELL KNOWN property of steel.
One of the MAIN REASONS they use steel in SKYSCRAPERS is because it TRANSFERS HEAT throughout the structure. If you have a 6" bar of steel, sure it could melt. But a 100+ story steel-framed building allows for A LOT of transfer of heat.
Steel loses something like 60% of rigidity at 1/2 its melting point.
No such building has EVER fallen due to heat/fire, except for 3 on 9/11 (which were blown apart). You canNOT reconcile your theory with the FACT that NO STEEL-FRAMED BUILDING HAS EVER FALLEN DUE TO "MELTING POINT."
Modern buildings are VERY much like a card towers too.
They don't fall.
The downside is if you can make one major part fail, the whole building collapses because of the Cascade Effect.
More bullshit.
They don't fall.
(Except via explosives/incendiaries.)
However this also doesn't change truth that The Bush Administration planned 9-11 and it absolutely was an inside job.
Most likely, Bush himself was just told to go along. He's not smart enough to plan a cookout, much less a sophisiticated psyop like 9/11.
Tell me, lets get out Occam's razor.
Yes, let's do that.
Which is more plausible? That a MASSIVE team of government insiders all organized a huge conspiracy of thousands of people to rig the buildings, set up fake crisis actors....etc on and on and until you have somehow 100,000 people "in" on the crime of the century but somehow nobody talks?
That is a STRAWMAN argument, which is to say it has NOTHING to do with Occam's Razor.
Nobody is saying there were 100,000 people plotting anything.
Occam's Razor requires we look at ALL the known evidence, and THEN consider a simple explanation that INCLUDES ALL THE KNOWN EVIDENCE.
The FACT that there was a "re-cabling" in the twin towers just a few weeks before 9/11, where workers were in the elevator shafts of the buildings and occupants in the towers were forced to stay away from their offices for several days at a time is KNOWN because of eye witness testimony.
It is a FACT that Marvin Bush was head of the "security" company for both the twin towers AND Boston Logan airport, and only left the company shortly before the event.
A team of less than a dozen people could have easily planted devices inside the buildings (all 3 of them), and a handful of well-placed security people heading the important points of failure explains the fall of the buildings.
Those who planted the devices could have easily been killed shortly thereafter -- like the Seth Rich situation, or Seal Team 6.
No need for 500, much less 100,000.
Don't try to push ridiculous false claims past us.
We've been researching this thing far too long.
How many ways can false statements be made? Let me count the ways ...
If softened under heat, which is a WELL KNOWN property of steel.
One of the MAIN REASONS they use steel in SKYSCRAPERS if because it TRANSFERS HEAT throughout the structure. If you have a 6" bar of steel, sure it could melt. But a 100+ story steel-framed building allows for A LOT of transfer of heat.
Steel loses something like 60% of rigidity at 1/2 its melting point.
No such building has EVER fallen due to heat/fire, except for 3 on 9/11 (which were blown apart). You canNOT reconcile your theory with the FACT that NO STEEL-FRAMED BUILDING HAS EVER FALLEN DUE TO "MELTING POINT."
Modern buildings are VERY much like a card towers too.
They don't fall.
The downside is if you can make one major part fail, the whole building collapses because of the Cascade Effect.
More bullshit.
They don't fall.
(Except via explosives/incendiaries.)
However this also doesn't change truth that The Bush Administration planned 9-11 and it absolutely was an inside job.
Most likely, Bush himself was just told to go along. He's not smart enough to plan a cookout, much less a sophisiticated psyop like 9/11.
Tell me, lets get out Occam's razor.
Yes, let's do that.
Which is more plausible? That a MASSIVE team of government insiders all organized a huge conspiracy of thousands of people to rig the buildings, set up fake crisis actors....etc on and on and until you have somehow 100,000 people "in" on the crime of the century but somehow nobody talks?
That is a STRAWMAN argument, which is to say it has NOTHING to do with Occam's Razor.
Nobody is saying there were 100,000 people plotting anything.
Occam's Razor requires we look at ALL the known evidence, and THEN consider a simple explanation that INCLUDES ALL THE KNOWN EVIDENCE.
The FACT that there was a "re-cabling" in the twin towers just a few weeks before 9/11, where workers were in the elevator shafts of the buildings and occupants in the towers were forced to stay away from their offices for several days at a time is KNOWN because of eye witness testimony.
It is a FACT that Marvin Bush was head of the "security" company for both the twin towers AND Boston Logan airport, and only left the company shortly before the event.
A team of less than a dozen people could have easily planted devices inside the buildings (all 3 of them), and a handful of well-placed security people heading the important points of failure explains the fall of the buildings.
Those who planted the devices could have easily been killed shortly thereafter -- like the Seth Rich situation, or Seal Team 6.
No need for 500, much less 100,000.
Don't try to push ridiculous false claims past us.
We've been researching this thing far too long.