He says the answer to the question everyone is asking (which I take it is 'when will every lie be revealed' as he and Lin Wood coincidentally both say) is 5 days from the 13th, which means this Saturday the 18th, give or take a few hours depending on what continent you are on. I expect in 3 day's time we will see John's information being revealed. Reading this Telegram reads a lot like Q's posts. I think he is hoping we bring the information to the world.
To me this lines up with Q post 4024:
Sometimes you can't TELL the public the truth. YOU MUST SHOW THEM. A deeply entrenched enemy who controls the vast majority of communications is only defeated by………. Game theory. Q
How do you defeat the controlled media? By a Great Awakening, caused by people actually contacting each other directly. I think that's why we are all here, because we can only bypass the media if there are millions of us, an army of digital soldiers, and we spread the news ourselves.
He says the answer to the question everyone is asking (which I take it is 'when will every lie be revealed' as he and Lin Wood coincidentally both say) is 5 days from the 13th, which means this Saturday the 18th, give or take a few hours depending on what continent you are on. I expect in 3 day's time we will see John's information being revealed. Reading this Telegram reads a lot like Q's posts. I think he is hoping we bring the information to the world.
To me this lines up with Q post 4024:
Sometimes you can't TELL the public the truth. YOU MUST SHOW THEM. A deeply entrenched enemy who controls the vast majority of communications is only defeated by………. Game theory. Q
How do you defeat the controlled media? By a Great Awakening, caused by people actually contacting each other directly. I think that's why we are all here, because we can only bypass the media if there are millions of us, an army of digital soldiers, and we spread the news ourselves.