Her Instagram was locked up.
Q told us to get ready to archive, Q unlocked it, told us when time was almost up, and that’s when it was obtained.
Think about what I just said.
We swarmed in like locusts crawling the site and archiving. Chandler absolutely freaked the ruck out after this happened.
Similar events repeatedly happened. Like Twitter algos being turned off
The image posted here shows multiple subterranean levels. The island had a submarine base. Maxwell had a helicopter license and a submersible license - also repeatedly pushed for a water based country named Teramar that would be granted all of the diplomatic immunities of a sovereign nation. Basically means her and Epstein etc could all have immunity no matter what they did. This was the design of the Interpol Passport system & its entire intent. Your passport controls your movement by a central authority. Diplomatic immunity is a direct “peasants” vs “eaters” differentiation that the Rockefellers had great success in implementing.