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So recently I watched a 5 hour long video of an ex-freemason exposing freemasonry, and in it, the guy made a surprising revelation that some of if not all of our American founding fathers were freemasons. Look it up, you can see paintings of George Washington doing well known Freemason hand symbols.

And that got to me thinking, isn’t it weird how the British army, in all of its might, couldn’t squash unorganized rebellion by American colonists? And what about how in the history books, it is written that the British empire lost most of its power seemingly overnight with its various colonies.

As a kid I just accepted it, but now that I think of it, isn’t it really weird? Like I’m not going to sit here and pretend that the colonial subjects of British rule were all happy, obviously controlling so many people is a logistical nightmare.

But don’t you think an empire with the might of the British could, you know, lock things down with an iron fist? Or if that wasn’t doable, don’t you think they would come up with something else smart to do, instead of just raising up their hands, saying “I give up!”, and just letting their former subjects do whatever they wanted?

Maybe they did come up with something smart, that we aren’t supposed to know about. Maybe they realized they could control us and squander our resources from the shadows, and not have to worry about rebellion. Why is it that the British have so little power these days that they are a total joke, yet the entire world is obsessed with the little shenanigans of British royalty and the crown? For fucks sake, their police can’t even wave around a baton to a criminal without getting in trouble, why do we take their country seriously?

Now I’m not suggesting the British are at the top of the food chain right now, what I believe to have happened is they probably allied up with other powers in the world, like the Vatican and whatnot. But back to my point, did the British Empire really ever fall, or are we still secretly subjects of British rule, being walked by chain to their twisted fanatical New World Order agenda? Is the war we are fighting right now, Darkness to Light, The Great Awakening, actually the true American revolution, freedom from foreign rule? Not the charade played out by actors 200 years ago that we wrongly celebrate as the birth of our “independence”?

This is just a theory, what do you think?

3 years ago
2 score
Reason: Original

So recently I watched a 5 hour long video of an ex-freemason exposing freemasonry, and in it, the guy made a surprising revelation that some of if not all of our American founding fathers were freemasons. Look it up, you can see paintings of George Washington doing well known Freemason hand symbols.

And that got to me thinking, isn’t it weird how the British army, in all of its might, couldn’t squash unorganized rebellion by American colonists? And what about how I’m the history books, it is written that the British empire lost most of its power seemingly overnight with its various colonies.

As a kid I just accepted it, but now that I think of it, isn’t it really weird? Like I’m not going to sit here and pretend that the colonial subjects of British rule were all happy, obviously controlling so many people is a logistical nightmare.

But don’t you think an empire with the might of the British could, you know, lock things down with an iron fist? Or if that wasn’t doable, don’t you think they would come up with something else smart to do, instead of just raising up their hands, saying “I give up!”, and just letting their former subjects do whatever they wanted?

Maybe they did come up with something smart, that we aren’t supposed to know about. Maybe they realized they could control us and squander our resources from the shadows, and not have to worry about rebellion. Why is it that the British have so little power these days that they are a total joke, yet the entire world is obsessed with the little shenanigans of British royalty and the crown? For fucks sake, their police can’t even wave around a baton to a criminal without getting in trouble, why do we take their country seriously?

Now I’m not suggesting the British are at the top of the food chain right now, what I believe to have happened is they probably allied up with other powers in the world, like the Vatican and whatnot. But back to my point, did the British Empire really ever fall, or are we still secretly subjects of British rule, being walked by chain to their twisted fanatical New World Order agenda? Is the war we are fighting right now, Darkness to Light, The Great Awakening, actually the true American revolution, freedom from foreign rule? Not the charade played out by actors 200 years ago that we wrongly celebrate as the birth of our “independence”?

This is just a theory, what do you think?

3 years ago
1 score