this is a fake protest.
where did they get bullhorns on a moments notice?
why do they all have the same masks on, and worn properly above the nose?
why did the protesters walk across the street in a choreographed way, so that the fake news reporter could get her implausibly perfect news footage?
why would the news media even show up to cover this protest, unless it was concocted for the sole purpose of straw-manning anti-vaccine arguments?
notice how they asked the CDC about the "vaccine" affecting genitals, instead of asking the man who made the claim?
this is a fake protest.
where did they get bullhorns on a moments notice?
why do they all have the same masks on, and worn properly above the nose?
why did the protesters walk across the street in a choreographed way, so that the fake news reporter could get her implausibly perfect news footage?
why would the news media even show up to cover this protest, unless it was concocted for the sole purpose of straw-manning anti-vaccine arguments?
notice how they asked the CDC about the "vaccine" affecting genitals