UFO's (with Alien's inside).
"Chem"-trails (poisoning the same air that (((they))) breathe?)
DUMB's (Deep Underground Military Bases) What like "Zion" from "The Matrix"?
HAARP as Weather Modification.
CERN as a portal to Hell.
DEW's as fire starters or "rods from god" **
Perpetual Motion Machines.
Zero Point Energy.
Dark Matter and Dark Energy.
The Big Bang.
Time Travel
Flat Earth
Global Warming / Climate Change (rebranding because obviously Al Gore lied)
You get the idea...
UFO's (with Alien's inside).
"Chem"-trails (poisoning the same air that (((they))) breathe?)
DUMB's (Deep Underground Military Bases) What like "Zion" from "The Matrix"?
HAARP as Weather Modification.
CERN as a portal to Hell.
Perpetual Motion Machines.
Zero Point Energy.
Dark Matter and Dark Energy.
The Big Bang.
Time Travel
Flat Earth
Global Warming / Climate Change (rebranding because obviously Al Gore lied)
You get the idea...