Look. I get it. Seems like nothing has been happening and Q gaslit us for years.
Please step back.
What did we see Yesterday, 09-16-2021?
FBI called out as corrupt and allowing repeated rapes of the Idolized US Womens Gymnastics Team ( Guardians of the Pedophiles )
Sussman Indictment dropped - this could have been sealed. It wasn't. Durham signalling. Moved and countermoves ( FISAGATE )
Panic in DC? Going out on a limb here as I have seen NOTHING on here or other forums about this or even the chans RE: China Asshoe -
Clyde Prestowitz - former Secretary of Commerce & who had a FIRST HAND SEAT with Chinese Negotiations called out GHWB for doing absolutely fucking nothing to the CCP following Tienaman Square, capitulating to negotiators, and more - This is a FULL CONTEXT of how "China will become more liberal" is a complete bullshit premise. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4g6GG7By1Ns
On 09-06-2021 TheIntercept actually published a report effectively showing that COVID was completely planned.
This was a seismic shift in a single day.
I know many of you here never took part in the Hive Mind. Learn your role.
How can you push? Are you contributing or shitposting? Is it good shitposting or are you borderline shilling?
Mods - Kick it up. Sticky shit that isn't just about generating traffic. I get it. When something is interesting, feeds the hive mind - find a way to sticky that with emphasis. I know it's difficult - use the 8chan / 8kun bakers as a litmus. If they can grab notables and collate them - we can too.
Guys - Reddit was ON FUCKING FIRE yesterday. These Gymnasts are darlings there and after everything over the past few years - they are seeing the FBI for what the FBI is:
- Incompetent at best
- Malicious at worse
- Needing accountability
- Tragically failed
- In need of either removal or restructuring - this is seeding the floor DIRECTLY for the Sussman allegations and what PapaD knows intimately with an FBI willing to loose 302s when it suits them with zero accountability & a revolving door of Perkins Coie, the FBI, DC Politicians, and systematically targeting and waging LAWFARE on anyone they want.