I watched this video she was responding to and understood her easily, but definitely needed the context of the CNN clip she was reacting to.
Don Lemon said it was time to ridicule and shun people who don't trust the vaccine, stating they get shots in their ass to make them bigger, shots in their face ("They don't know what's in Botox. There's nothing wrong with Botox"), but won't trust the vaccine because of "their politics." Cuomo chimed in and said there wasn't a tracking device in the shots, and made some "clever" comment about horse dewormer.
She's responding to Don Lemon and here's a breakdown of what she's saying-
"Now if I start discussing what you get in YOUR rear end, I'd be wrong right?"
This is pointing out the double standard of not being able to talk about Don gladly taking a dick up his ass but it's perfectly OK to ridicule Nicki about the rumored butt implant and Botox work she's had done (without mentioning her by name).
"If you're ever discussing facts with a person who's telling you to buy, or get smthing & you go "ok cool, tell me more about it" and they start insulting you, RUN."
If you're ever having a discussion with someone trying to convince you to buy a product or get an experimental vaccine, and you ask them to tell you more about it first, and they insult you for questioning things, RUN!
"Demonizing ppl for asking questions won't help your cause Uncle Tomiana."
This is mostly self-explanatory. Replace "ppl" with "people" and that's a totally legitimate English sentence.
As far as the "Uncle Tomiana" at the end, here's Nicki once again insulting Lemon and accusing him of being an Uncle Tom AKA a sell out to the black race. The "iana" part is a feminization of Uncle Tom as an additional insult.
"I'm stuck in a fkng Will Ferrell movie."
Again, easy to understand. The script to the hypothetical movie follows.
"Us: Tell me more about it
Us (the unvaccinated): Tell me more about it
Tomi: "Do you even know what was in that butt implant everyone said you got?
He couldn't wait to deliver that line. He rehearsed it all night.
Again, easy to understand after watching the clip. Lemon even got slightly miffed when Chris Cuomo interrupted the delivery of that line with his comment about tracking devices in the vaccine.
"Def has a little dick. Mad cuz the shot couldn't fix THAT. 3-4 inches max."
Another jab at Don Lemon's manhood. Don Lemon has a tiny dick. It's only 3-4 inches max and he's mad because his vaccine did nothing for that.