I am so sorry to hear that. My parents raised me with a clear belief that the "secret combinations" that Paige & Strozk hinted at have been on this continent for Thousands of years (old testament time frame). Trying to help them see it happening in real time has been a monumental challenge & my mother has told me she just doest want to hear it anymore almost every time because she is such a compassionate woman who believes the very best in everyone & that they can be changed.
Now, after years of sharing tidbits, all my siblings, most cousins & their spouses have these types of discussions frequently at family events.
edit (bumped save on my upswipe): luckily for myself, I have always been driven to review interesting & esoteric information to the point my parents wondered if I would be a homeless babble crying about the falling sky someday. My unwillingness to accept the 9/11 narrative at that time was what got my dad to the point he would have deep discussions about unanswered questions & tried to figure it out with out own limited knowledge. I have flipped out & now am firmly back in on the 9/11 inside job thing. Had a personal event happen in life where it made 9/11 plausible as suggested by MSM, though I always respected the ideas & unanswered facts brought by the conspiracy groups. There are videos I do not believe most, if anyone need to see unless they are so stubborn that they must be shown & even then I wonder if that would simply send them into a mindless rage because it would destroy everything they believed (ie what winning & gaining power by any means necessary, including violent human sacrafice).
I finally sobbed & begged God to help everyone wake up when I realized the sheer volume of that sacrifice with children under the age of 12. It strengthened my resolve & now I listen to that small voice within that guides me to share the correct information with each person I meet that seems like they are interested in answers
I am so sorry to hear that. My parents raised me with a clear belief that the "secret combinations" that Paige & Strozk hinted at have been on this continent for Thousands of years (old testament time frame). Trying to help them see it happening in real time has been a monumental challenge & my mother has told me she just doest want to hear it anymore almost every time because she is such a compassionate woman who believes the very best in everyone & that they can be changed.
Now, after years of sharing tidbits, all my siblings, most cousins & their spouses have these types of discussions frequently at family events.