Reason: None provided.
What Trump has done is make it comfortable for black folks to speak what we REALLY THINK about the world.
I think more and more of this will come out.
Take "Black on Black" Crime. The mass MAJORITY are HUGELY AGAINST it!!!!
Now why wouldn't you know this?
- Because the media will silence them.
- Because of fear of being labelled a sellout.
3 years ago
3 score
Reason: Original
What Trump has done is make it comfortable for black folks to speak what we REALLY THINK about the world.
I think more and more of this will come out.
Take "Black on Black" Crime. The mass MAJORITY are HUGELY AGAINST it!!!!
No why wouldn't you know this?
- Because the media will silence them.
- Because of fear of being labelled a sellout.
3 years ago
1 score