Hold on. I have been there. It is a difficult community to get in.
It is hard to understand some of the lingo, which makes reading posts hard. People use the word "fag" not as a pejorative but as a means of identification for someone who is a bit obsessive, like "datefag". That only means the person is "date fagging" over specific dates or obsessing over it. You will eventually pick up the terms, like "shill", "larp". Don't worry.
Posting is hard. I myself have experienced frustration with it. I have posted things that are unique and they barely make over 35 upvotes, whereas, a badly illustrated cartoon or meme makes it to being stickied.
Don't give up. Just keep at it and watch and learn. The key is to develop trust in this community, which is hard to come by if ever, and get your scores up. The higher your scores the more you rise.
Also, as with any free society, there are going to be assholes. Just ignore them. I occasionally will play with the few I have been exposed to. You just have to let them and their behavior just roll off. That is what freedom is about. You might not like what people say, but they have the right to say it, and it is YOUR responsibility to get over it.
Best of luck.
This is a great place to be free and speak your mind.
Hold on. I have been there. It is a difficult community to get in.
It is hard to understand some of the lingo, which makes reading posts hard. People use the word "fag" not as a pejorative but as a means of identification for someone who is a bit obsessive, like "datefag". That only means the person is "date fagging" over specific dates or obsessing over it. You will eventually pick up the terms, like "shill", "larp". Don't worry.
Posting is hard. I myself have experienced frustration with it. I have posted things that are unique and they barely make over 35 upvotes, whereas, a badly illustrated cartoon or meme makes it to being stickied.
Don't give up. Just keep at it and watch and learn. The key is to develop trust in this community, which is hard to come by if ever, and get your scores up. The higher your scores the more you rise.
Best of luck.
This is a great place to be free and speak your mind.