Reason: None provided.
- 9:40 - Tomahawk Hits Pentagon
- 10:05 - First delivery of landing gear to Pentagon to support false narrative of a Boeing.
- 10:17 - F-16s from the DC Air National Guard defy stand down orders and shoot down Flight 93 at the request of the pilot
- 1:15 - Giuliani calls Dick Cheney to request a No Fly zone over NYC. Cheney denies the request and Guiliani figured out Cheney doesnt WANT to fulfill the requests. Giuliani makes the statement “Cheney knew the attacks were going to happen. That ratfink. I am going to bury him if it takes my entire life.”
- 3:51 - Giuliani emergency office in WTC7 instructed to clear out because of “impending inevitable collapse”
- 4:47 - BBC starts running story of WTC7 collapse with reporter literally in front of WTC7 still standing
- 5:25 - Order to “pull” WTC7 completed
3 years ago
2 score
Reason: Original
- 9:40 - Tomahawk Hits Pentagon
- 10:05 - First delivery of landing gear to Pentagon to support false narrative of a Boeing.
- 10:17 - F-16s from the DC Air National Guard defy stand down orders and shoot down Flight 93 at the request of the pilot
- 1:15 - Giuliani calls Dick Cheney to request a No Fly zone over NYC. Cheney denies the request and Guiliani figured out Cheney doesnt WANT to fulfill the requests. Giuliani makes the statement “Cheney knew the attacks were going to happen. That ratfink. I am going to bury him if it takes my entire life.”
- 3:51 - Giuliani emergency office in WTC7 instructed to clear out because of “impending inevitable collapse”
- 4:47 - BBC starts running story of WTC7 collapse with reporter literally in front of WTC7 still standing
- 5:25 - Order to “pull” WTC completed
3 years ago
1 score