I had to stop listening to the X22 Report, it was beginning to black pill me.
His particular compound of hopium is mixed with a natural botanical called "Goalpostus-Moovus", which causes the patient to build up a dangerous tolerance to hopium over time, rendering it eventually toxic as it morphs into a black tar of hopelessness. This occurs when prediction after prediction after prediction continually fails to materialize.
It was to the point that his voice was beginning to remind me of the soothing classical music played to the condemned in German prison camps.
[Tinny sounding classical music plays over pole speakers]
"Stay calm, do nothing,"
[line shuffles forward]
"take no action, the patriots are in control, any minute now you will be rescued,"
[shuffle shuffle]
"Now this is interesting, Q says stay home, do not rise up, relief is coming"
[distant screams],
"Q has a plan, Q says be passive, the woke military that just ran from and armed the Taliban while abandoning thousands of Americans will save you."
[doors close behind you]
"Wait.... waaaaaait.... that's it…stay caaaalm...”
"Yes, interesting... yes, let’s talk about your health…"
[fade to black]
I had to stop listening to the X22 Report, it was beginning to black pill me.
His particular compound of hopium is mixed with a natural botanical called "Goalpostus-Moovus", which causes the patient to build up a dangerous tolerance to hopium over time, rendering it eventually toxic as morphs into a black tar of hopelessness. This occurs when prediction after prediction after prediction continually fails to materialize.
It was to the point that his voice was beginning to remind me of the soothing classical music played to the condemned in German prison camps.
[Tinny sounding classical music plays over pole speakers]
"Stay calm, do nothing,"
[line shuffles forward]
"take no action, the patriots are in control, any minute now you will be rescued,"
[shuffle shuffle]
"Now this is interesting, Q says stay home, do not rise up, relief is coming"
[distant screams],
"Q has a plan, Q says be passive, the woke military that just ran from and armed the Taliban while abandoning thousands of Americans will save you."
[doors close behind you]
"Wait.... waaaaaait.... that's it…stay caaaalm...”
"Yes, interesting... yes, let’s talk about your health…"
[fade to black]
I had to stop listening to the X22 Report, it was beginning to black pill me.
His particular compound of hopium is mixed with a natural botanical called "Goalpostus-Moovus", which causes the patient to build up a dangerous tolerance to hopium over time, rendering it eventually toxic as morphs into a black tar of hopelessness. This occurs when prediction after prediction after prediction continually fails to materialize.
It was to the point that his voice was beginning to remind me of the soothing classical music played to the condemned in German prison camps.
[Tinny sounding classical music plays over pole speakers]
"Stay calm, do nothing,"
[line shuffles forward]
"take no action, the patriots are in control,"
[shuffle shuffle]
"Now this is interesting, Q says stay home, do not rise up"
[distant screams],
"Q has a plan, Q says be passive, the woke military that just ran from and armed the Taliban while abandoning thousands of Americans will save you."
[doors close behind you]
"Wait.... waaaaaait.... that's it"
"stay caaaalm... interesting... Let’s talk about your health…"
[fade to black]