If a part of that island falls into the ocean in a violent manner and a hundred foot wave rushes towards the east coast of the US at the speed of sound, I don't think that would be a "false flag" so much as a true "holy fucking shit, this is the end of the world as we know it" moment.
If they use a "destroy the world bigger than a hundred nukes" type of machine to distract from the audit, I think it is safe to say its time for kinetic warfare.
Having said that, its also possible that nature just picked now to blow up the world.
I am sus of everything so I won't believe that, but its not impossible. People have been talking about that event for decades, so it could go either way.
If a part of that island falls into the ocean in a violent manner and a hundred foot wave rushes towards the east coast of the US at the speed of sound, I don't think that would be a "false flag" so much as a true "holy fucking shit, this is the end of the world as we know it" moment.
If they use a destroy the world bigger than a hundred nukes type of machine to distract from the audit, I think it is safe to say its time for kinetic warfare.
Having said that, its also possible that nature just picked now to blow up the world.
I am sus of everything so I won't believe that, but its not impossible. People have been talking about that event for decades, so it could go either way.
If a part of that island falls into the ocean in a violent manner and a hundred foot wave rushes towards the east coast of the US I don't think that would be a "false" flag so much as a true "holy fucking shit, this is the end of the world as we know it" moment.
If they use a destroy the world bigger than a hundred nukes type of machine to distract from the audit, I think it is safe to say its time for kinetic warfare.
Having said that, its also possible that nature just picked now to blow up the world.
I am sus of everything so I won't believe that, but its not impossible. People have been talking about that event for decades, so it could go either way.