"God's chosen" give me a break. Canaanite filfth more like it. String em up string em up grift monkeys belong in trees, not indoors with me.
Don't get it twisted I got much love for my black brothers. And all of us working class folk from all colors and creeds dont got time for no tree climbin booty scratchers pretending to be shit they aint. Nothing more disguting than stealing grievances of victims from years long gone to use as moral righteousness to victimize others. But what can I say, the KKK always loved playin dress up.
"God's chosen" give me a break. Canaanite filfth more like it. String em up string em up, monkeys belong in trees not churches
Don't get it twisted I got much love for my black brothers. And working class follk of all color and creed dont got time for no tree climbin booty scratchers pretendin to be shit they aint. Nothing more disguting than stealing grievances of victims from years long gone to use as moral righteousness to victimize others. But what can I say, the KKK always loved playin dress up.
"God's chosen." Give me a fucking break, more like Cannonite cunt filfth. String em up string em up, monkeys belong in trees not churches