You might want to have discovery forced the commercial labs running the COVID-19 tests, the public health labs of all 50 states, public medical university labs, and the manufacturers of the machines used to analyze the PCR swabs. These companies outta be served a court order which would require all of them to start burying the cycle threshold setting in the main system configuration menu or perhaps define a scientifically practical value which cannot be changed without a factory set master password and define a limit as to how many password entry attempts are allowed before the machine locks and has to be unlocked by a manufacturer authorized technician or make it where only one factory defined CT value is used for all tests and not even give the lab tech/machine operator the option to define a custom CT value. I also encourage those who are a lab tech and operate these testing machines to share the policies that dictate how COVID tests are run.
You might want to have discovery force the commercial labs running the COVID-19 tests, the public health labs of all 50 states, public medical university labs, and the manufacturers of the machines used to analyze the PCR swabs. These companies outta be served a court order which would require all of them to start burying the cycle threshold setting in the main system configuration menu or perhaps define a scientifically practical value which cannot be changed without a factory set master password and define a limit as to how many password entry attempts are allowed before the machine locks and has to be unlocked by a manufacturer authorized technician or make it where only one factory defined CT value is used for all tests and not even give the lab tech/machine operator the option to define a custom CT value. I also encourage those who are a lab tech and operate these testing machines to share the policies that dictate how COVID tests are run.