Figures couldn’t be a couple without a special needs kid’s like we catch a break ..I agree take it off ..100 percent against them , but I hate when a story which should have been a win gets the crying liberals squawking making this look terrible because the parents were ..”only trying to protect their ill baby . I have a special needs daughter with compromised upper respiratory issues and wearing a muzzles would makes it more dangerous for her. The baby was a month old and sick , perhaps I’m old school but stay home with your newborn if your so concerned ,
Figures couldn’t be a couple without a special needs kid’s like we catch a break ..I agree take it off ..100 percent against them , but I hate when a story which should have been a win gets the crying liberals squeaking making this look terrible because they were ..only trying to protect their oh so I’ll baby . I have a special needs daughter with compromised upper respiratory issues and this is makes wearing the muzzles even more dangerous to her geeze ,